
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fifth Grade Colonial Events Timeline and Project Overview -Parents Must Read

Wax Museum Project

Project Overview
During the next month your child will be working on a long term project that will require preparation both in the classroom and at home.  Students will choose a significant figure from history that they would like to research. It can be the same character assigned for the Walk Through The American Revolution or a different character of choice. They will wear a costume for both events. Once they receive teacher approval,students will begin writing down details about their character using a note catcher. At least three different sources will be used to conduct the research.

The students will be required to dress as the person they researched (please note * rented or home-made costume, your choice.  Costume Closet is aware of our project).  They will become statues of wax and come to life when an imaginary button is activated.  They will be required to give a short speech, approximately1minute, about the life of their person.  

The 4th grade class and parents will be invited to come and view our living wax museum that will take place directly following Colonial Fair.

The following is the timeline for all 5th grade upcoming Colonial Events:

Tue., April 29th                 Receive Walk Through Rev. Assignments from teacher (memorize)

Fri., May 2nd                    Return signed form including choice for Wax Museum  ( this email can be printed and used as permission or hard copy coming home with student)    

Mon., May 5th                 Begin research for Wax Museum Speech (classwork and homework)

Mon., May 19th                Note Catcher for Wax Museum Due

Tue/Wed May 20/21st       Costume Closet Open for costume rental

Thurs., May 22                 Walk Through the Revolution in MPR ( Mrs. Ellis's class at 8:45 -11:15 and Mrs. Elliot's class at 11:45-2:15 )

Mon., May 26th                Final Draft of Wax Museum Speech Due with 


Wed., May 28th                 Colonial Fair (9:00 – 12:30) and Wax Museum (1:30)

Wed., May 28th                 Return Costume to Costume Closet after school (if needed)

Note Catcher and research                /30

Written Speech in 1st Person            /30

Bibliography                                      /20

Costume                                           /20       

Total                                                /100




 Ihavereadtheinformation and rubricsprovidedandunderstandthe requirementsfortheWaxMuseum. I also understand that this is different and separate from The Walk Through The American Revolution cards that are provided and also need to be memorized.



  NameofStudent                                                   ParentSignature___________________________________



Wax Museum
                                   (Person Choice)

If you have any questions about the above information, please contact Mrs. Ellis or Mrs. Elliot. 


Thank you,
The Fifth Grade Team

Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary 
"A Place in the Sun"
(310)377-6854 ext.200 


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

STEM symposium info for PTA news/ emails

PEF invites all families to come see what PVPUSD's awesome 6th - 12th grade students

are doing in their Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) classes.


Student Engineers' Expo & Symposium*

All Community Members Welcome!  Elementary Students Welcome!

Tuesday,  May 20, 2014

3:30—5:30 p.m.

Promenade on the Peninsula

In the former Borders space


Hands-On FUN!

Competition Winning Teams:   CyberPatriots, Robo Magellan & more!

Solar Boat


CO2 Dragster Demonstrations



Flight Simulator



Robots — Lots of Robots!

Monday, April 28, 2014

International Fair Needs YOU!

Soleado's annual International Fair is coming on Sunday, May 18th from 12-3 p.m.

Through our Fair, we highlight the many cultures that make up our Soleado community.  Families sponsor booths representing a country or culture.  Children and adults visit the booths to sample food, become familiar with items or interesting facts from the country/culture, and even watch dance and music performances that showcase our diversity.  This is a long-time Soleado tradition and one of the events we look forward to most each year.

Last year, we had more than 20 booths representing such varied countries and cultures as Guam, China, Korea, India, Iran, Norway, New Zealand, Mexico, Italy and Japan.  We would love to not only match that amount, but surpass it.  And we are planning to add more crafts, games, and prizes for our students to gain an experience outside of their usual surroundings.

CLICK HERE  to sign-up and help us bring this great event to Soleado.  We need:

-  food and booth sponsors (this can be cooked by your family, purchased/donated to Soleado, or donated from a local business)  (PLEASE LET US KNOW WHETHER YOU CAN SPONSOR A BOOTH BY MAY 1ST, SO WE CAN INCLUDE THAT COUNTRY/CULTURE IN THE ACTIVITIES WE ARE PLANNING FOR THE STUDENTS.)

-  volunteers to set-up, staff the event, and clean-up (families, community service groups, and others are welcome)

-  entertainment, such as dancers, musicians, and singers to perform in 5-10 minute sets (a discounted attendance price is available for performers)

-  games, crafts, or other ways to help teach our students about your culture or country

To help with the booths and games/crafts, the Soleado Booster Club can provide a shade tent, tables, chairs, napkins/forks/plates/bowls, and some craft supplies (although if you are able to bring your own table/tent it would be much appreciated!).  We ask each booth's sponsor to make, purchase or seek a donation of a food product that reflects the country/culture they have chosen.  In the past, this has varied from a "bite" to a few bites to several samples of food and drinks.  

So far, we have families that will present booths representing South Africa, the United States of America, the Czech Republic and more.  We hope that you'll join us and let our students appreciate how we all became Soleado Suns.

For more information, please contact Donna Epstein at  Again, to assist us in coordinating our events, activities, and volunteers, please sign-up for booth sponsorship by May 1st.  Thank you!

Health Alert

From the desk of Kathy Barry, District Nurse


Multiple Cases of Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

To date Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District has had five confirmed case of pertussis in three schools (PVPHS, PVHS and RIS).  Pertussis is spread through the air when people cough.  It often starts like a common cold which gets worse over 1-2 weeks.  People with pertussis have coughing spells that may last more than a few seconds.  As they catch their breath at the end of each coughing spell they gasp loudly ("whoop") and vomit or choke.  Pertussis is treated with an antibiotic. 

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has directed us to exclude students and staff that have not been immunized against pertussis, who have had close contact to a person with pertussis.  Exclusion from school is until they receive 5 days of antibiotics or exclusion up to 21 days if they choose not to take the antibiotic. 

The best way to protect against pertussis is to get vaccinated.  You are encouraged to make sure that you and your family members are immunized against pertussis.  Children younger than 7 years who have not received 5 doses of DTaP should be vaccinated.  Anyone 7 years and older who is not fully vaccinated should receive one dose of Tdap vaccine. 

Antibiotics and Tdap vaccine may be obtained from your health care provider.  The vaccine can be obtained at pharmacies.  The Los County Department of Public Health provides antibiotics and vaccine free of charge for the uninsured.  Torrance Health Center is located at 711 Del Amo Blvd, Torrance, 310-354-2300. 

Questions:  Contact me at 310-750-0564. 

Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary 
"A Place in the Sun"
(310)377-6854 ext.200 


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

PLANT A SEED READ: Summer Reading Program

Reading for Pleasure

and Summer Reading Programs

Did you know?

Children who participated in a library summer reading program had better reading skills at the end of the school year and scored higher on the standards test than the children who did not participate.

Children read more when they can choose materials based on their own interests.

Voluntary reading is essential to helping children become better readers, writers, and spellers.

Summer reading programs help increase young people’s interest in reading.

 Children who read widely and frequently are higher achievers than those who read rarely and narrowly.

Reading empowers critical thinking skills, enhances empathy and helps us appreciate other points of view.

 Libraries help young people feel safe, cared for, useful, and valued.


Mother's Day Gift Idea

To all Soleado parents who are in need of some pampering --

Just in time for Mother's Day -- Tikkun Skin Care is having specials for
Soleado and giving back 20% to our school! Flyers should be in your
child's backpack this week. Call and make your appointment for this
Thursday 5/1st, Friday 5/2nd or Saturday 5/3rd!

There are some additional special events there Friday if you book a
treatment that day -- a light lunch will be provided to the first 20 people
who book their appointment for Friday. They are also offering 20% off
Botox on Friday only, as well as a silent auction form 10:00 - 1:00pm.

So go treat yourself or book an early Mother's Day treat -- and help
support our school at the same time!



Mrs. Stutzel

Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary 
"A Place in the Sun"
(310)377-6854 ext.200 


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

Friday, April 25, 2014

Online Auction Closes Monday!

You're invited to the biggest party on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, The Main Event, which benefits the Peninsula Education Foundation and our public schools! Be sure to stop by the casino tables and enjoy Shaken, not Stirred martinis at this James Bond inspired event!


Hundreds of items!! Look for these featured items:


·       "FOX NFL SUNDAY" VIP tickets – meet Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, Curt Menefee, Jimmy Johnson, and Michael Strahan

·       "America's Got Talent" VIP tickets and tour

·       Surfing with renowned professional surfer Alex Gray -- big swell chaser and the South Bay's finest!

·       School items including parking spots, graduation seats, spirit wear and more!

·       Lakers Floor Seats!

·       Vacations in Italy, Croatia, Mexico, Park City, Catalina Island

·       Sporting events for Clippers, Dodgers, Angels

·       Camps and activities

·       LOTS MORE

Don't forget to make your reservations for the Main Event NOW at
Price increases on SUNDAY APRIL 27th!

Questions?  Call 310.378.2278; email; visit

Spa Day Fundraiser

You can raise money for our school while pampering yourself or a loved one at the spa!!!

community safety concern


Some of you may already be aware of this incident that occurred in Manhattan Beach.

On April 18th, a male juvenile was molested in a park restroom in Manhattan Beach.  The press release dated Wednesday, April 23 is available at the link below and contains more specifics about the incident along with a sketch of the suspect. 

Please be advised,
Mrs. Stutzel

Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary
"A Place in the Sun"

27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275
(310)377-6854 ext.200 (310)544-0916 (fax)


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Goodwill and E-waste at Soleado

Hi Soleado Families --

As you are cleaning out your closets and gathering items to donate to
Goodwill at our Goodwill pickup this Saturday at the school, please set
aside your E-waste items for a separate drop off date!

Goodwill pick up this Saturday from 9:00 - 1:00 is for clothing, books,
sporting goods, home decor, housewares, household textiles and furniture.
For a complete list of items you can donate, also check the Goodwill
website at

E-waste pick up will be on Saturday May 17th from 9:00 - 2:00 at Soleado.
E-waste items include computers, monitors, laptops, printers,TV, DVD
players, cell phones, cables, radios, clocks, small kitchen appliances that
plug in -- pretty much any device that plugs into electricity and is
smaller than a dishwasher! You can even drop off VHS movies and
CDs/DVD's! Soleado will receive 60% of E-waste proceeds so it's
definitely worth it to make two separate quick drop offs!

Thank you so much for supporting both of these events! It's such an
easy way for you to do your spring cleaning and make money for the school
and your kids at the same time!

Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary
"A Place in the Sun"

27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275
(310)377-6854 ext.200 (310)544-0916 (fax)


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Soleado Updates

Good Afternoon everyone, 

I wanted to be sure you are aware of the upcoming events at our school, and the current opportunities to volunteer your time. Our Edline calendar is a great resource for keeping up to date with school events and we hope you are checking in from time to time.

Our Soleado Harvested Veggies will be for sale after school today!


If you haven't received the current Sunblast please click here to take a look. Grace does an amazing job of organizing our school news!!

For the remainder of the school year we will have the following speakers present at our PTA/Booster Club general meetings:
May 13 - Mr. Kuykendall - Principal at Ridgecrest and Mrs. Villaescusa - TK

You can always check out the following sites for more information:

Volunteer Blog  (You can now subscribe to this resource via email in the top right corner of the site. You will receive a daily email update with new activity delivered directly to your email.)

Current opportunities are as follows:

Volunteer At Soleado

Goodwill Drive Help Needed

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 02:29 PM PDT

Booster Club is looking for a few parent volunteers to help make our Goodwill Drive a success.


Spring Tea Teacher Luncheon: May 14

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 02:30 PM PDT

Please click here to sign up to contribute to our last teacher luncheon honoring our amazing staff!!

Please contact Eva Ruiz at for more information.

International Fair Help Needed


Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary
"A Place in the Sun"

27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275
(310)377-6854 ext.200 (310)544-0916 (fax)


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

Sunblast Issue 14 - April 23 2014

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here to view it as a web page
April 23, 2014 - Issue 14

International Fair
Parents' Night Out
Java With Gina
Variety Show
Auction Winner
PTA/Booster Club
Costume Closet
Social Hour
AAYF Exhibit
Art At Your Fingertips
PEF Main Event
Science Fair Winners
Amazon Link
Thank You!
Save the Date
Green Ribbon Week
April 21-25

Parents' Night Out
Fri., April 25

Goodwill Truck
Sat., April 26

Soleado Social Hour
Fri., April 25, 8:30 am
​Parent Resource Room

Flag Ceremony
Fri., April 25

Java With Gina
Fri., May 8, 9am, MPR

Variety Show
Fri., May 9, 6pm
Ridgecrest MPR

PEF Main Event
Sat., May 10

Teacher's Appreciation Week
May 12-16

PTA Booster Meeting
Tue., May 13
9:00 am, MPR
Flag Ceremony
Fri., May 16

E-Waste Collection
Sat., May 17

International Fair
Sun., May 18

Honorary Service
Awards Luncheon

Tue., May 20

Student Free Day
Fri., May 23

Memorial Day Holiday
Mon., May 26

5th grd Colonial Fair
Wed., May 28

Field Day
Thu., May 29

Slide Show Night
Fri., May 30

For all the above dates and more, Member Planet has a free app for iPhone users. Click on the icon below to get your copy:

Click here for more information on using the mobile app.
Helpful Links:

Soleado on Edline

Volunteer Blog

Palos Verdes Unified School District

Peninsula Education Foundation

Thank you for supporting

Soleado Elementary School
PVP Council of PTAs
Thirty-Third District PTA California State PTA

Soleado Elementary School
27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes
California 90275
(310) 377-6854

PTA President:
Sara Robinson,
Booster Club President:
​Jennifer Novak


The Soleado Sun Blast is a twice-monthly digital publication produced by the PTA and Booster Club.  The information is intended for the use of Soleado families.  If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters please click unsubscribe at the bottom of this issue.

Shop for Soleado.  Earn back a percentage!

Principal's Message

Click above for Mrs. Stutzel's message.

 International Fair Sign Ups

 International Fair is coming on Sunday, May 18th.  Sign up for a booth and represent a country by May 1st.  Here are the countries represented so far: South Africa, India, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Korea, Japan and USA.  The Fair will be a fun time to show our families the different cultures of Soleado.

Sign up on Member Planet here or if you have any questions and would like to know further information contact Donna Epstein at

Parents' Night Out April 25th

Sign up for our last Parents' Night Out on Member Planet here.

This Friday, April 25, 2014 from 6-10 p.m.
Hosted by our own Jessica and David Norwood

This evening's theme is "Cirque du Soleado"
and it means our students will enjoy a world of fun:
scavenger hunt - Olympic themed "Simon Says"
hip hop dancing - circus activities
crafts - and dinner!

Kids are welcome to wear their craziest circus outfits.
All proceeds benefit our Soleado Booster Club
and it's support of our school.

Java With Gina May 8th

Come join Principal Stutzel for updates on "testing the test" SBAC results and other district wide information that affect Soleado.

Variety Show May 9th

Soleado families are invited to the spectactular Variety Show at Ridgecrest Intermediate School on May 9th at 6:30 P.M.
Support your family and friends at this annual event!

Auction Winners from Our Luau Mixer

The Lim family play out their auction prize to bowl
​with Mrs. Stutzel and Rhonda!

The Next PTA/Booster Club General Meeting

Our last meeting of the school year is Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. in the MPR.  
Come hear Mr. Kuykendall, Principal at Ridgecrest and
Mrs. Villaescusa, our very own TK teacher and Andrea Sala from PEF.  Also, we will have Ms. Hlavac giving us a recap of attending Capitol Convoy.  We have many guest speakers!

return  to top

The American Revolution is Coming!

Costume Closet needs volunteers in April and May.
Earn costume rental credits and help out our PVPUSD Schools.  Soleado's 5th grade 'Walk Through the Revolution' will be on May 22nd followed by the Colonial Fair on the 28th.
Sign up on supersaas f
or any available time slot!

For further information contact:

Soleado Social Hour Dates

We have started to use the Parent Resource Room as a place for parents to meet occasionally to gather and socialize to get to know one another - especially the parents of younger grades and new families to our school.

We will have a standing Soleado Social Hour at school on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 8:30 - 9:30am in the Parent Resource Room April 25th.

AAYF 3rd Grade Exhibit

This year Soleado 3rd graders will have their Faces of Cubism on display at the PV Art Center from May 2 to May 25.  This is a wonderful event open to the public.  We hope everyone will come!
(Click on the flyer above for a detailed view.)

See you there,
Trudy Bragg and Mirka Villain
Soleado AAYF School Chairs

A Bonus Art At Your Fingertips!

Thanks to the Soleado Student Council all students will do a 6th Art At Your Fingertips project again this year.  The project will be Multi-FACE-eted, a self-portrait print collage based on colorful prints
​by Andy Warhol.  

3rd/4th/5th grades had theirs on Friday and Tuesday already.
TK - Wed April 23, 10:00-11:00am
2nd grade - Wed April 23, 12:50-2:30pm
1st grade - Thurs April 24, 12:50-2:30pm
Kinder - Fri April 25, 12:15-2:00pm

If you would like to volunteer in your child's classroom for this Art At Your Fingertips project please contact Trudy Bragg at

Also, 5th Grade "Sill Life In Lines" artwork will be on display at iBerries and the Palos Verdes Library Main Branch display case for the first 2 weeks of April.  Go visit and enjoy!

PEF Main Event Is In Full Swing!

Save the date for May 10
th!  The theme this year is very fun – Let's BOND – a James Bond inspired event!  It's going to be a fabulous evening!  Casino tables, auction, live entertainment and dancing!  FUN! It's really best if you can coordinate a table or two from your school.  We do seat people by school and it creates a lot of enthusiasm when we have the school cheering by section.   If you have friends who want to volunteer at Main Event, we LOVE grown up volunteers and have plenty of jobs for them!  See for more info.
For the auction see:

Science Fair Winners

Congratulations to the following students for their award winning projects.

5th Grade
1st placeMika M. Red Wine Stains
2nd Beau D.What Weight Paper Makes a Paper Airplane Fly
the Furthest?
2ndWeston B. Do Plants Grow /upside Down?
3rd Darin P.Naturally Deadly
Honorable MentionDaniel O. Mint Cool Down
Honorable Mention Koki T.Do Bananas Get Tanned?
Honorable MentionNicholas C. Keep Cool

4th Grade
1st placeMinseo K.The Most Efficient Way to Reduce the Number of
Bacteria on My Toothbrush
2ndNaoki S. Clean the Pennies
2nd Sara T.Which Type of Sugar Forms the Best and the
​Fastest Crystals?
3rdBryan N. The Audio Distraction Reaction
3rd Tian D.Do Distractions Change Driving Video Game Scores?
Honorable MentionSarah G. The Toothpaste Games
Honorable Mention Hunter R.Is a Laser Light Beam Bent by Sugary Liquids?

3rd Grade
1st placeJenna H. Can the Words We Speak Alter the Molecular
Structure of Water?
2ndFrancesca V. The Flight of Frisbees
3rd Jacob L.Which Plants Are the Most Fire Resistant?
3rdAmanda B. Optical Illusion Challenge

2nd Grade
1st place Aubrianne T.Handwashing: Soap and Water vs. Hand Wipes
2ndNathan L. Melting Ice Cubes
3rd Jacob C.Solar Brownies

1st Grade
1st placeLuca M. Will the Small Ball Bounce Higher?
2nd Ananya K.Which Vinegar Makes an Egg More Bouncy?
3rdSophia E. Does a Bigger Owl Pellet Have More Bones?

Mrs. Ellis would like to thank the judges, the Science Committee, Mrs. Stutzel and Ms. Rhonda, and a special thanks to Linh Tu for time and energy devoted to this year's Science Fair!  We are very proud of ALL our budding scientists and thank you for your participation and hard work!

 Shop OurAmazon Link 

Click on the graphic above
to help earn a percent back to Soleado.
​Purchase a gift card for $10 and up, 1-day shipping is free.

Buy them for your favorite people: teachers, coaches,
moms, dads and grads.
If you are not sure you are activating the fundraiser, fill your cart, close the window and click on the link again to purchase.
Thank you for shopping!!!

We Appreciate Volunteers!

Many thanks to Linh Tu for coordinating the Science Fair entries, judges and refreshments with the Science Committee of Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Beall, Ms. Rogers, Mrs. Villaescusa, and Ms. Hale.
There were 250-300 visitors to our Thursday Night event last week.  

A big thank you to the following parents for coming in to judge the Science Fair entries: Brendan Robinson, Eugene Kong, Brent Liu, Hanieh Tehrani, Kimberly Holland-Chominsky, Ramon Primicias, John Accardo, Sharon Valente, Praveen Gattu, Jody Davis and Adelaide Vaughn.

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Soleado Elementary School PTA
27800 Longhill Drive | Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275
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