
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Science Fair Applications Due March 4th.

> Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
> The time has come for students to begin working on their projects for the 2013 Science Fair. The application, sample projects, rules and regulations and project guidelines can be found of the school Edline page under the "News" heading. The project proposals are due to teachers by Monday, March 4th and the actual science fair is scheduled for the week of April 15th. We look forward to seeing our students asking engaging questions and seeking answers to their inquiry. Please see your classroom teacher if you have any questions.
> Sincerely,
> Kevin Allen

See the ISS from your own backyard!

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
In building on the excitement from yesterday's ISS contact, one of our parents, Trudy Bragg, has forwarded the link below with opportunities to actually see the ISS as it passes over RPV in the evenings this week.  Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings will be great for people to see the Space Station above Rancho Palos Verdes.   See the attached web site for where to look. Thanks Trudy for keeping the momentum going!
Shoot for the stars!
Mr. Allen

Monday, February 25, 2013

Did you miss the ISS today? You can view on the news tonight :)

Dear Soleado Families,

Everyone can watch today's events tonight on Channel 11 at 5pm and 10 pm and on Channel 13 at 7pm and 11pm.

Commander Chris Hadfield, the astronaut communicating with the kids today, sent out a tweet to Soleado:
"Good Questions, students at Soleado Elementary!  Sorry we didn't have time for them all.  Thanks for talking with me on the ham radio!”

This tweet can be viewed on Twitter.  @Cmdr_Hadfield

The Canadian Space Agency also tweeted about the communication and can be viewed on Twitter.  @csa_asc

ION Networks and RPV TV will be airing the story in the next week or so. Stay tuned for the specific dates and times.

Thanks to everyone who showed up today to support both the ARISS contact and the In-N-Out truck. Both events went off smoothly. I am eternally thankful to be a part of this community.

Enjoy your evening,
Kevin Allen 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

ISS Update

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
We have just completed a dry run of the International Space Station contact.  The ISS passed over Soleado this morning at 11:59 and I am happy to say that the test was a rousing success!  Based on today's events, however, we are asking all parents who are planning to attend the event at school to be on campus and in their viewing seats by 11:15.  The third grade parents have reserved seats in the MPR and there are a considerable number of remaining seats there as well on a first come, first serve basis.  Once the MPR is full the doors will be shut and locked and additional viewing will be available in Chicos 4, Vista 1 and Vista 2.  Due to the need for absolute silence in the MPR so that our students can be heard we are asking those seated there to adhere to the following guidelines:
1.  No young children who might not be able to sit quietly for 15 minutes.  Our window of opportunity is only 10 minutes and we do not want to lose any time due to the Space Station not being able to hear the questions due to background noise.  Adults with young children should plan on using the viewing rooms in Chicos or Vista.
2.  All cell phones must be turned off.  Your cell reception might impede the radio reception from the ISS.  Phones cannot even be on vibrate during this time in the MPR.

We are all really excited about this event at our school and look forward to seeing our community out to enjoy it with us.  Enjoy the remainder of your weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Kevin Allen

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Monday is a BIG day for Soleado. Please come out and support our kids!

Hi, Everyone,

Quick update on how Monday's events will be coordinated, given that we have been scheduled for the ARISS link Monday morning.  Below is information on the new schedule for the In-N-Out truck and a request for assistance at certain times.

According to Mr. Allen, we are scheduled to speak with the International Space Station at 11:53 a.m. and it will last 10 minutes.  Given that specific window of time, we've asked the In-N-Out truck to start serving at 12:15.  Mr. Allen is arranging for extra yard supervisors and teachers to escort students to the play yard, where the truck will be parked.

Grades TK-3 will receive their lunchesbetween 12:15 and 12:45.
Grades 4 & 5 will be served between 12:45-1:15.  

For students who have parents present, they may eat together on the play yard, as we'll be setting up portable tables/benches.

Students who do not have adult supervision present (whether their own families or an arrangement with another family) will be walked back from the Truck to the lunch area.

Given this schedule, please let me know if you can assist:

1. earlier in the morning to spend 30 minutes blowing up balloons that will both decorate the MPR and later decorate our Truck area.  This can even be after drop-off, up until11:30.  2-3 people would be ideal for this, to both blow up the balloons as well as to tie them around campus.

2. between 10:45-11:15 to make sure that the tables/benches go out for the picnic and, if necessary, to set up a couple of shade tents.  2-3 people would be helpful here as well.

3. between 12:10-12:50 to hand out tickets to TK-3 students/parents who pre-ordered lunches.  (Need 2-3 parents.)

4.  between 12:50-1:20 to hand out tickets to 4 & 5 grade students/parents who pre-ordered.  (Need 2-3 parents.)

5.  between 1:20-1:45 to make sure that everything's cleaned up and put away.  (Need 2-3 parents.)

Any help is appreciated!  We have already pre-sold more than 340 lunches, which will earn more than $1,000 for Soleado with this one lunch.  Hopefully everything goes smoothly and we can do this again every year!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

IN-N-Out Truck orders due today!!

Welcome back, Soleado Suns!

This is a reminder that if you are planning to order lunch from the In-N-Out Truck next Monday, February 25th, please turn in your order and money to the front office today.  We'd like to make sure that the truck brings enough food to cover everyone, and that we schedule lunch times depending on lunch demand, so it's important to turn those orders in.   Lunches are $4 each and available to students, siblings, and families.  Extra copies of the order form are available in the front office.

Your Soleado Booster Club

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Costume closet sign ups: we need you

Hi everyone,
Our costume closet rep - Noelle Whitaker - has organized 3 days in February for Soleado to work at the closet!  It's the end of their fiscal year so it'd be great if you could work a shift on one of those days.  If not those dates - sign up for any date(s) that work best for you!  I'd love it if everyone on the PTA board/chairs could pick up at least one shift this school year.  Thank you for your support!
See the link below to sign up!

Sign up:

If a name is in the time slot, just add your name to the "waiting list" and come to the Closet during that time anyway.

Thank you! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Soleado Chorus Performance News

Our wonderful chorus of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be performing at the Norris Theater in the Elementary Choral Festival on Wednesday, February 27.

Rehearsal  All chorus members must attend the after school rehearsal to participate in the evening performance. Please reschedule any conflicting after school activities for this once a year event. Chorus members should arrive between 3:05-3:10 to be on stage by 3:15. Please bring only yourself, dressed in school clothes, and cat headband if you have one (no backpack, food, stuff, etc.) Enter through the side entrance door called "Green Room". Please arrange carpools as needed. Rehearsal ends between 4:50-5:00. Parents MUST pick up students by 5:00 - there is no supervision at the theater!

Break  There will be a break from 5:00-7:00 for dinner and for changing into concert clothes (and going to the bathroom a hundred times!)

Concert  Chorus members should arrive between 7:00-7:10 (no supervision before 7:00). Singers only may enter through the green room door, parents should proceed to the front lobby doors. The concert begins at 7:30 and should last about an hour. Please meet your child outside the green door immediately following the concert.

Concert Clothes  Boys wear long-sleeved white dress shirt, dark dress slacks and dark shoes (no sneakers); Girls wear plain white top/blouse (without any other colors), dark, solid-colored skirt, white or black tights, and dark shoes.

Tickets are available for $20.00 from the Norris Theater box office (310-544-0403)

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hughes at

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Honorary Service Award Nominations

Honorary Service Award (HSA) nomination forms are available in the office.  If you know of a Soleado staff member, teacher or parent who goes above and beyond and would like to see them recognized for their hard work, please fill out a form and submit it to the box in the office by March 15.

The In-N-Out Lunch Truck is coming

 Mark your calendars: 
Monday, February 25th
11:45 am - 12:45pm
The In-N-Out Truck is coming to our school

Lunches are $4 and include a hamburger,cheeseburger, or grilled cheese sandwich, with chips and a drink. 

To order, please return the forms that went home in your child's backpack today or see the front office to submit a new one.  Please make checks payable to Soleado Booster Club and orders are due before Tuesday, February 19. 

Lunch is also available for families of our students if ordered in advance. We apologize but orders cannot be filled the day of the event.

Emergency Phone Notifications

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
As you know, yesterday we ran a test of our emergency phone notification system.  We will continue to send out weekly messages every Monday (or Tuesday if there is no school on Monday).  Some of you may not have received the message or would like to change the primary contact number in the system.  In order to prevent our phone system from being overwhelmed and Mrs. Rhonda's phone from ringing off the hook for an entire day, I am asking that parents notify the school based on the following schedule:

If your last name begins with the letter:
A - F     Call or email on Thursday, February 14th
G - L     Call or email on Tuesday, February 19th
M - Q    Call or email on Wednesday, February 20th
R - Z     Call or email on Thursday, February 21st
Thank you for your patience as we work to get the system fully up and running.  I too am learning how to operate the system and am sure that with the weekly practice, I will be prepared should the need ever arise for immediate parent notification.
Thank you for your continued support of our Soleado Suns!
Kevin Allen

Want to get involved?

Sitting in the monthly PTA meeting and learning so many areas we need parent help. There are jobs of all sizes and a lot you can even do from home. Send me an email and we will find something for you to do. :)

Did you know that we need help in the Costume Closet year round?

Fun Run is coming up and we can use as many people as possible.

Red Ribbon week is just around the corner.
Please put Soleado Volunteer in the subject line.

PTA Needs You!

Today's meeting is full of information regarding our district and current events at our own school. Thank you Mr. Allen for a wonderful presentation.

We meet every month and invite every single one of our parents to attend.