HSA Luncheon E-Waste Collection International Fair Safe Driving STEM Symposium Handball Tournament PTA/Booster Club LCFF/LCAP Meetings School Supplies 14-15 April Super Stars Field Day Slide Show Night Costume Closet Social Hour Third Grade Art Exhibit Summer Reading Amazon Link Thank You! | ---------------------------------- Save the Date Teacher's Appreciation Week May 12-16 4th/5th Music Concert Thu., May 15, 9 A.M.
Flag Ceremony Fri., May 16
E-Waste Collection Sat., May 17
International Fair Sun., May 18
Honorary Service Awards Luncheon Tue., May 20
STEM Symposium Tue., May 20 3:30-5:30 P.M. Promenade (see article) 5th Grd Walk Through the Revolution Thu., May 22
LCFF Meetings Thu., May 22 and June 12, District Office (more info) Minimum Day AND All Library Books Returned Fri., May 23 12:46 dismissal Memorial Day Holiday Mon., May 26
5th Grd Colonial Fair Wed., May 28
Field Day Thu., May 29, 9-12 (see article) 3rd Grd Concert Fri., May 30, 9 A.M. Slide Show Night Fri., May 30, 6 P.M. (see article) Panda Express Fundraiser Fri., May 30
1st Grd Jump Rope Show Tue., June 3, 11:30 A.M.
Last Day of School/ 5th Grd Party/Promotion/ Minimum Day Thu., June 5 12:46 dismissal
| For all the above dates and more, Member Planet has a free app for iPhone users. Click on the icon below to get your copy:
 Click here for more information on using the mobile app. ----------------------------- Helpful Links:
----------------------------- |
Thank you for supporting | Soleado Elementary School PVP Council of PTAs Thirty-Third District PTA California State PTA
Soleado Elementary School 27800 Longhill Drive Rancho Palos Verdes California 90275 (310) 377-6854
PTA President: Sara Robinson, Booster Club President: Jennifer Novak -----------------------------
The Soleado Sun Blast is a twice-monthly digital publication produced by the PTA and Booster Club. The information is intended for the use of Soleado families. If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters please click unsubscribe at the bottom of this issue. |
Shop for Soleado. Earn back a percentage!  |
| Principal's Message 
Click above for Mrs. Stutzel's message.
 Help us to show our teachers at Soleado how much we appreciate them! Suggestions on ways to do this were sent to all classes by the room parents. Click here to bring something to the teacher's luncheon Wednesday, May 14th.
HSA Luncheon May 20th  [click above for a detailed view]
E-Waste Collection This Saturday E-waste pick up will be on Saturday May 17th from 9:00 - 2:00 at Soleado. E-waste items include computers, monitors, laptops, printers,TV, DVD players, cell phones, cables, radios, clocks, small kitchen appliances that plug in -- pretty much any device that plugs into electricity and is smaller than a dishwasher! You can even drop off VHS movies and CDs/DVD's! Soleado will receive 60% of E-waste proceeds!
 International Fair is coming this weekend Sunday, May 18th, noon to 3:00 P.M. Sign up to help with a booth and setting up or cleaning up. The Fair will be a fun time to show our families the different cultures of Soleado. Sign up on Member Planet here or if you have any questions and would like to know further information contact Donna Epstein at donna.epstein1@gmail.com
Safe Driving With Your Help
 Click here to review our drop off and pick up guidelines from Principal Stutzel. We need your help to keep everyone safe in and around school!
STEM Symposium May 20th

PEF invite all families to come see what PVPUSD's awesome 6th - 12th grade students are doing in their Science, Technology, Engingeering and Math (STEM) classes. Student Engineers' Expo Symposium*
All Community Members Welcome! Elementary Students Welcome!
Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 3:30-5:30 P.M. Promenade on the Peninsula In the former Borders space
Hands-On FUN! Competition Winning Teams: CyberPatriots, Robo Magellan & more! Solar Boat CO2 Dragster Demonstrations Flight Simulator Robots - Lots of Robots! Thanks to your financial support to PEF, we have great programs like STEM in our Intermediate and High Schools! Click here to donate, any amount is appreciated!
Mark your calendars: Friday May 23rd is a Minimum Day (not a pupil free day as previously published.) Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend May 24-26!
First Annual PVPUSD Handball Tournament Begins at Soleado! At the beginning of May, students in 3-5th grade learned the basics of every kids favorite school yard game —Handball. Each class had an opportunity to practice before their individual class tournament. Class tournaments consisted of a double elimination format with the top 4 in each class advancing to the final round. During the final stage of class tournaments, the top two students advanced on to the final grade tournament.  Josh L. (Left) takes on eventual champion Kevin Y. (Right) in the 5th grade boys final. Each grade tournament consisted of a quadruple elimination tournament with the best boy and girl advancing on to the district wide tournament held Monday May 19th at Silver Spur Elementary. Getting to see the tournaments first hand I must say... WOW! The skill and competition of which the students play at is pretty amazing for such a young age. -Coach K.
3rd Grade Winners: Sophie M., Nicholas C. 4th Grade Winners: Grace H.. Alex L. 5th Grade Winners: Jessica H., Kevin Y.
Helping Rhonda for the Day  Charlotte C. being office manager of the day. Charlotte got to make announcements and help Ms. Rhonda with many fun duties. Peninsula Education foundation offered this as one of its many wonderful auction items.
PTA/Booster Club Meeting & Sunblast Survey | Our last meeting of the school year is Tuesday, May 13th at 9:00 A.M. in the MPR. Come hear the following guest speakers: Mr. Kuykendall, Ridgecrest Principal Mrs. Villaescusa, TK Teacher Andrea Sala, PEF Executive Director and Mrs. Hlavac will discuss Capitol Convoy | Here's your chance to give us your opinion about communication you receive from the PTA and Booster Club. Click on the link here to take our Communications Survey. Our hope is that you stay informed of all our schools activities, events and fundraisers. These ultimately benefit our kids and community. We cannot do it without our supportive parents! District Wide Funding Meetings The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is the new mechanism for funding public education in California. Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District (PVPUSD) is required to develop a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) under this new funding mechanism. As required by Education Code 52060, the PVPUSD 2014-15 LCAP has been developed with the consultation of teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, employee bargaining units, parents/guardians, and students. The Board of Education will review the LCAP on May 22 and June 12, 2014 at the regularly scheduled board meeting. During these meetings the public will have an opportunity to submit written comments regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the LCAP. As required by Ed. Code, the purpose of this message is to serve as notification to the public of the opportunity to submit written comments on the proposed LCAP. The Governing Board of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District will hold a public hearing on the Local Control and Accountability Plan at the Malaga Cove Administration Center on May 22, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. and on June 12, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting. The proposed LCAP will be on file and available for public inspection on the District website http://pvpusd.k12.ca.us/index.php/community/lcap_information/ should members of the public wish to review the LCAP prior to the public hearing. return to top Pre-purchase 2014-2015 School Supplies  The Soleado School Supplies Program offers the opportunity for parents to pre-purchase the yearly school supplies now. This includes all back to school supplies as well as the materials your teacher will need during the school year. This means you aren't running around looking for those hard to get oil pastels, folders, pencil sharpeners, etc...on the teachers' list! We will do it for you!
To assure that your child's supplies will be waiting for them in the classroom on the first day of school, pre-orders are being taken now. Please have your donation in by June 6, 2014 The total cost for classroom and school supplies per child for the whole school year is $65(TK-5) $40 Student Classroom Supplies $20 Grade Level Supplies $5 Student Scholastic Subscriptions |
To Purchase School Supplies, fill out the School Supply Payment Form Online at https://www.memberplanet.com/s/SoleadoElementarySchoolPTA/schoolsupplyprogram_1 Payment options: Credit card- (will be charged $2.25 per student convenience fee) or Fill out form online and bring in a check to the school office. If you have any questions email Soleadomemberplanetinfo@gmail.com
April Super Stars  The Following Students Received "Soleado Super Star" Certificates on Friday April 25th, 2014
Villaescusa-TK | Dylan A. | | Donahoe -1st | Dennis A. |
| Ethan C. |
| Nadia G. |
| Genevieve F. |
| Yakuto M. |
| Dallas G. |
| Emma P. |
| Lincoln K. |
| Rogers-1st | Anais K. |
| William S. |
| Miu S. | Bergerson-K | Anza E. |
| Sydney S. |
| Sophie I. |
| Karin Y. |
| Kaito K. |
| Biggins-2nd | David L. | Field-K | Hisanori M. |
| Bryce L. |
| Kira O. |
| Braydan M. |
| Audrey S. |
| Sierra P. |
| Presley T. |
| Boyd-2nd | Aarushi C. |
| Dylan V. |
| Ming D. |
| Mason V. |
| Osagie O. | Hale-K | Michael C. |
| Sophie O. |
| Ali E. |
| Hlavac-3rd | Khiara D. |
| Kyra M. |
| Yuki F. |
| Nathaniel W. |
| Joshua J. | Burson-1st | Isobel A. |
| Jonahs P. |
| Sarah C. |
| Kearns-3rd | Kohei H. |
| Nick C. |
| Nicholas W. |
| Radamel M. |
| Nick P. | Dino-1st | Mary C. |
| Beall-4th | Lauren Q. |
| Yuichiro H. |
| Kiana M. |
| Ananya K. |
| Harrigan-4th | Yuki H. |
| Dallas N. |
| Osuke T. |
Elliott-5th | Caroline H. | | Ellis-5th | Sophia G. |
| Nathan W. |
| Shinji W. |
Field Day, Thursday May 29th
 Field day - a fun day for the kids! This will start at about 9 A.M. and go until 12:00 noon. Come join us for a fun filled day of jump roping, tug of war, water fun, and much more! Feel free to stay after to picnic with your child. Please note there will not be food to buy at this event. Kids can bring a sack lunch, order from cafeteria or you can bring something to eat with them. Don't forget the sunscreen!
Slide Show Night, Friday May 30th All Soleado families and friends are welcome to join us Friday night, May 30th at 6:00 P.M., at school to celebrate our 2013-2014 school year with a special slide show presentation, capturing all of our students and the fun they had this year. This year, we are welcoming Chef Michael Shafer of the Buffalo Fire Department to provide food for any families who would like to picnic before the show. Pre-orders will be available for a discounted price, with limited food available at the event.
This event is a great way for your students to remember all of the experiences they had with their classmates, and celebrate a safe and fun year before we head into the summer.
The American Revolution is Coming!  Costume Closet needs volunteers in May. Earn costume rental credits and help out our PVPUSD Schools. Soleado's 5th grade 'Walk Through the Revolution' will be on May 22nd followed by the Colonial Fair on the 28th. Sign up on supersaas for any available time slot!
 For further information contact: donna.epstein1@gmail.com
|  Soleado Social Hour We have been using the Parent Resource Room as a place for parents to meet occasionally to gather and socialize to get to know one another - especially the parents of younger grades and new families to our school. The last Soleado Social Hour is on the 4th Friday of the month, May 23rd from 8:30 - 9:30 A.M. in the Parent Resource Room.
Third Grade Artwork on Display! Students from Ms. Hlavac and Mrs. Kearns third grade classes will have Art at Your Fingertips artwork on display at the Palos Verdes Art Center during the month of May. Be sure to visit the Art Center to see artwork from students all over the Peninsula. Soleado third graders Cameron Y. and Amanda B. enjoy the student art show opening night. Summer Reading Program at PVLD  Click above for a detailed view.
Shop Our Amazon Link

Click on the graphic above to help earn a percent back to Soleado. Purchase a gift card for $10 and up, 1-day shipping is free.
 Buy them for your favorite people: teachers, coaches, moms, dads and grads. If you are not sure you are activating the fundraiser, fill your cart, close the window and click on the link again to purchase. Thank you for shopping!!! |
Thank you to all of the families that have donated to PEF...you have paid for Coach K, Kathleen Davis (Technology Aide), and our wonderful music teachers. We are setting a special recess aside with Coach K on June 3 for all the students who's family donated to PEF this year...you still have time! Any donation amount is supportive and appreciated! Click here to donate. A big thank you to Heidi Sublette for organizing a great Green Ribbon Week! Trees were planted, items were donated and most of all we had a great Farmers Market with the harvesting help of Mrs. Erickson (below) and Linh Tu. |
Mrs. Burson's class and other first graders also helped with selling car to car. At the farmers market stand, we had help from Mrs. Ellis' 5th graders as the cashiers. Together we sold nearly $150 worth of organic produce! |
 Above right, students help water and sell produce. Lower left, first graders from Mrs. Burson's class plant pumpkin seeds! Thank you to the parents who purchased produce from our Soleado Farmer's Market, these funds keep our garden program growing! There will be a final harvest in a few weeks with some more yummy vegetables including tomatoes! The first graders in Ms. Rogers' class planted a Three Sisters garden which included corn, squash and beans and learned a history lesson about how Native Americans were able to keep these Three Sisters as a consistent food source. The first graders also planted pumpkin seeds and Ms. Fields' class planted corn... so we will all be returning to a fall garden with some really colorful produce. Heidi Sublette is looking for parents who would like to volunteer their time in the garden with students in the new school year this coming fall. Contact Heidi at hsublette@gmail.com Many thanks to Ms. Rhonda for all you do! For those who have not seen, there is a special garden out front dedicated to our wonderful office manager Rhonda! Ms. Rhonda...always helping us bloom and grow A huge THANK YOU to Jeannie Hahn for organizing such a wonderful evening with our talented Soleado Suns! Your time and dedication to putting together a fun show was greatly appreciated by all.
Additional thanks to Daniel Carranza for his time providing the great tunes and sound for the variety of acts - as well as the many parents and a pre-teen who helped wrangle the acts, run the curtains and set up the mics.
Most importantly - the kids all had a lot of fun!  This is the selfee that the MC took during the Variety Show. It was part of the skit. Pictured are Young Seo K., Marissa H., Weston B. Click below to log into Member Planet, then hit refresh to see our homepage.  return to top | |
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