Soleado Families,
I want to share the last Sun Blast of the year with those of you that might not have received it.
I also want to thank Grace Liu for all of her hard work and efforts putting the Sun Blast together for us this year!
Hope to see you all tonight at our End of the Year Slide Show!
Thank you,
Mrs. Stutzel
Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary
"A Place in the Sun"
(310)377-6854 ext.200
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Sent: Fri May 30 11:46:56 PDT 2014
Subject: Test copy - Sunblast Issue 16 - May 28 2014
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May 28, 2014 - Issue 16
PTA/Booster Club
School Supplies 14-15
Field Day
Slide Show Night
5th Grd Band Auditions
Incoming 6th to RIS
< span style="color:#FFA500;">PVBA Sign Ups
Summer Reading
HSA Award Recipients
May Super Stars
Amazon Link
Thank You!----------------------------------
Save the Date
5th Grd Colonial Fair
Wed., May 28
Field Day
Thu., May 29, 9:15-12
(see article)
3rd Grd Concert
Fri., May 30, 9 A.M.
Slide Show Night
Fri., May 30, 6 P.M.
(see article)
Panda Express
Fri., May 30
1st Grd Jump Rope Show
Tue., June 3, 11:30 A.M.
Last Day of School/
5th Grd Party/Promotion/
Minimum Day
Thu., June 5
12:46 dismissal
School Registration
Fri. Aug. 22, MPR
9:30-11:30 A.M.
First Day of School
Welcome Tea
Mon. Aug. 25
12:46 dismissal
For all the above dates and more, Member Planet has a free app for iPhone users. Click on the icon below to get your copy:
Click here for more information on using the mobile app.
Helpful Links:
Soleado on Edline
Volunteer Blog
Palos Verdes Unified School District
Peninsula Education Foundation
Thank you for supporting
Soleado Elementary School
PVP Council of PTAs
Thirty-Third District PTA California State PTA
Soleado Elementary School
27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes
California 90275
(310) 377-6854
PTA President:
Sara Robinson,
Booster Club President:
Jennifer Novak-----------------------------
The Soleado Sun Blast is a twice-monthly digital publication produced by the PTA and Booster Club. The information is intended for the use of Soleado families. If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters please click unsubscribe at the bottom of this issue.
Shop for Soleado. Earn back a percentage!
Teachers Are the Best!
Above: A small sample of Soleado Teachers Appreciation Week
PTA/Booster Club News
Here's your chance to give us your opinion about communication you receive from school.Click on the link here to take our Communications Survey. We have read your comments and suggestions and look forward to a more streamlined experience next year. You may also take the survey anonymously. We appreciate your constructive suggestions!< /span>
Thank you to those who have supported our PTA and Booster Club! Without parent volunteers we could not exist. The PTA and Booster Club wishes everyone a safe and restful summer.
A huge thank you to our entire Soleado Community—families, friends, staff, and community supporters—for a great year, where our Booster Club was able to raise over $83,000 to help our students enrich their learning experiences. Whether you donated money, goods, services, or time, or attended our fundraising events, you made a huge difference to our school. Without your help, our students would not have classroom software to supplement their learning, or the benefit of our Art at Your Fingertips program, or assemblies, or field trips, or campus upgrades, and so much more. I especially want to thank this year's Booster Board for all of their hard work and dedication to Soleado: Michelle Jongkind, Ray Roostaeyan, Alice Kim, Cindy Van Scoyoc, John Accardo, Donna Epstein, Georgina McGovern, Erica Mangham, Deborah North, and Jessica Norwood. Our Soleado Suns shine brighter because of them.
-Jennifer Novak
Congratulations to our incoming 2014-2015 Soleado Booster Club Board Officers and Members:
President Erica Mangham
Executive Vice-President Michelle Jongkind
Treasurer Ray Roostaeyan
Financial Secretary John Accardo
Secretary Adelaide Vaughn
Members: Amy Davis, Donna Epstein, Alice Kim, Georgina McGovern, Jessica Norwood, Jennifer Novak, Heidi Sublette, and Cindy Van Scoyoc
returnto top
Pre-purchase 2014-2015 School Supplies
To assure that your child's supplies will be waiting for them in the classroom on the first day of school, pre-orders are being taken now.
Please have your donation in by June 6, 2014
The total cost for classroom and school supplies per child
for the whole school year is $65(TK-5)$40 Student Classroom Supplies
$20 Grade Level Supplies
$5 Student Scholastic SubscriptionsTo Purchase School Supplies, fill out the School Supply Payment Form Online at
Payment options:
Credit card- (will be charged $2.25 per student convenience fee)
Fill out form online and bring in a check to the school office.
If you have any questio ns email
Field Day, Thursday May 29th
Field day - a fun day for the kids! This will start at about 9:15 A.M. and go until 12:00 noon. Come join us for a fun filled day of jump roping, tug of war, water fun, and much more!
Feel free to stay after to picnic with your child. Please note there will not be food to buy at this event. Kids can bring a sack lunch, order from cafeteria or you can bring something to eat with them. Don't forget the sunscreen!
Slide Show Night, Friday May 30th
All Soleado families and friends are welcome to join us Friday night, May 30th at 6:00 P.M., at school to celebrate our 2013-2014 school year with a special slide show presentation, capturing all of our students and the fun they had this year. This year, w e are welcoming Chef Michael Shafer of the Buffalo Fire Department to provide food for any families who would like to picnic before the show.
Flyers with pre-orders were sent home via Mrs. Stutzel. See the menu here. Sorry, food ordered after May 27th is subject to a $2 additional fee and availability is limited at the event.
Our Historian, Daniel Carranza collected and organized photos and video from the entire school year into this presentation. Don't miss it!
Attention 5th Grade Band/Orchestra !
Where: Auditions will be held on Saturday, May 31, 2014 from
9:00-1:00PM in room 102 at Ridgecrest Intermediate.
Audition Requirements: Come in prepared to play a piece that
best demonstrates your level on your instrument.
Audition Times: Flutes: (9:00am-9:30), Violins (9:30-10:30),
Clarinets (10:30-11:00), Violas, Cellos, and Trombones (11:00-
11:30), Saxes (11:30-12:00PM),Trumpets, Percussion, and Piano
(12:00-12:30PM, or until done)
If you can't make the above audition times please come in on
Saturday when you can, but email Mrs. Lewis-Wang:
If you have signed up for Advanced Band or Advanced Orchestra
Mrs. Lewis-Wang will contact you and set up your audition time. Please respond to the email or phone call.
Ridgecrest News for Incoming6th Grade
Middle Scho ol is right around the corner! Here are some important dates and links for Ridgecrest:
Registration is scheduled for August 20th.
Camp Ridgecrest information will be mailed to parents.
First Day of School is Monday, August 25th.
Sign up here for the Raider Review Newsletter.
Familiarize yourself with the Ridgecrest Edline site here.
Also, Ridgecrest has an app!
Good Clean Fun In Science
Above: 5th graders dissect squid in Mrs. Ellis' science class.
PVBA Summer Basketball Sign Ups
[click above for details or click on]
Summer Reading Program at PVLDClick above for a detailed view.Sign up for Blog Updates
Watch for registration information coming to your
inbox or mailbox this July!
Registration will take place Friday, August 22nd in our MPR, 9:30-11:30 A.M.
School starts Monday, August 25th.
Honorary Service Award Recipients
Stay updated with Soleado's Volunteer Blog including summer events!
Click above to see the blog or click here:
The following people were honored at the Soleado H.S.A. Awards Luncheon May 20, 2014 for their outstanding achievements for our school. Click here for a photo album of the event.
HSA Award
Jeannie Hahn
Sara Robinson
Very Special Person
Linh Tu
Jennifer Wong
Wendy Ser
Jacque Hockensmith
Susan Carey
Sandra Field
Shining Service Award
Rosa Kim
Cindy Levine
Lauren Kearns and Kristin Biggins
Rookie of the Year
Spencer Kreisberg
Gina Stutzel
Certificate of Appreciation
Jennifer Novak
Paula Persson
Palos Verdes Fire Dept.
Torrance Memorial Hospital
Tammy Bouise, Lomita Sheriff
Life Award
Mimi Frengs
May Super Stars
The Following Students Received " Soleado Super Star" Certificates on Friday May 23, 2014< /span>
TK-Villaescusa Dylan A. 1st-Rogers Jason F.
Lucas B.
Ryan P.
Sofia B.
Jethro P.
Tegan H.
Jasmine Z.
Christopher L.
2nd-Biggins Chloe K.
Aleksandar L.
Erik F.
Ciono O.
Harrison P. KDG-Bergeson Konosuke K.
Darice T. /Miller Ethan P.
2nd-Boyd Darren C.
Rosalina R.
Lauren O.
Sabrina W.
Leah P. KDG-Field Samantha C.
Tyler R.
Sara K.
3rd-Hlavac Ryan F.
Amir M.
Jack M.
Kosuke M.
Tristan N.
Kyle P.
Emily Q.
Sayuri S.
Braedon S. KDG-Hale Raj G.
Yu Y.
Andrew J.
3rd-Kearns Jahzara N.
Lucia J.
Daito S.
KDG-Hale Kristian P. 3rd-Kearns Louie T.
Ava T.
Christopher W. 1st-Burson Gino S.
4th-Beall Caitlyn L.
Airi S.
James V.
Bethany W.
4th-Harrigan Arjun K. 1st-Dino Nagi M.
Katelyn W.
Alexa M.
5th-Elliott Minami C.
Autumn M.
Alex I.
Gizelle F.
5th-Ellis Weston B.
Kayla O.
Brett O. 1st-Donahoe Chris A.
Emma P.
Walden L.
Matthew N.
Sophia P.
Sophie W.
Shop Our Amazon Link
Click on the graphic above over the summer
to help earn a percent back to Soleado.
For example, purchase a gift card for $10 and up, 1-day shipping is free.
Buy them for your favorite people: teachers, coaches,
moms, dads and grads.
If you are not sure you are activating the fundraiser, fill your cart, close the window and click on the link again to purchase.
Thank you for shopping!!!
T hank you to all of the families that have donated to have paid for Coach K, Kathleen Davis (Technology Aide), and our wonderful music teachers.
We are setting a special recess aside with Coach K on June 3 for all the students who's family donated to PEF this have until May 28th! Any donation amount is supportive and appreciated!
Click here to donate.
Soleado kids Sophie K., Sydney S. and little brother pose with a dragon at the International Fair China booth.
A big thank you to Donna Epstein for spearheading our annual International Fair May 18th. We appreciate our multi-cultural community for bringing such wonderful diversity to our campus through music, dance, food and crafts. Together we enrich each other's lives. See a photo album by clicking here.Additional thanks to Jessica and David Norwood for hosting Cirque du Soleado Parent's Night Out for our kids. We appreciate your creative touch, bringing a smile to the Soleado Suns!
Many, many thanks to our HSA team for a lovely event on May 20th. Catherine Lucas put together such a wonderful program for all of our guests and honorees. In addition, Eva Ruiz and Noelle Whitaker set up the food and decorations with such flair as usual.
We are also grateful to our hospitality VPs Eva and Noelle for coordinating the lovely TEAchers Appreciation luncheon for our wonderful deserving teachers and staff here at Soleado.
A big THANK YOU to the following individuals for all their hard work and dedication to Soleado this year in their role as room parents! You p rovide an invaluable service to the school.
TK -Sandra Kim, Anne Bobek, Christine Collins
Kindergarten -Kerry Nadal, Kim BorgAmy Davis, Sunny Accardo, John AccardoWendy Ser, Svetlana O'Shea
First Grade -Melissa Pusavet, Natasha ScottLinh Tu, Maggie MercerRika Nakata, Beckie ConstantinoErica Mangham, Heidi Sublette, Michelle Choi
2nd Grade -Rachel Rioux, Catherine Lucas, Donna EpsteinSvetlana O'Shea, Jennifer Masaguchi, Sharandeep Michra
3rd Grade -Leslie Ho, Cindy Van ScoyocJeannie Hahn, Wendy Ser
4th Grade -Helen Barnfather, Lori Quan, Adelaide VaughnCatherine Lucas, Jennifer Masuguchi, Deborah North
5th Grade -Paula Persson, Marion CastroRachel Rioux, Rika Nakata, Leslie Ho, Beckie Constantino
A message of thanks from our Art At Your Fingertips Chair...
Soleado Elementary School PTA
27800 Longhill Drive | Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275
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Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District
Friday, May 30, 2014
Sunblast Issue 16 - May 28 2014
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