PTA/Booster Club Second Grade Field Trip Art At Your Fingertips Spring Mixer Shop for Soleado Enrichment Programs Gently Used Clothing Costume Closet Thank You! | ---------------------------------- Save the Date AAYF 4th/5th Grades Fri. Jan. 17
MLK School Holiday Mon. Jan. 20 no school
AAYF 3rd Grade Tue. Jan. 21
AAYF TK Wed. Jan. 22
AAYF 2nd Grade Wed. Jan. 22
AAYF 1st Grade Thu. Jan. 23
AAYF Kindergarten Fri. Jan. 24
Pupil Free Day Mon. Jan. 27 no school
Flag Ceremony Fri. Jan. 31
Parent's Spring Mixer & Auction Fundraiser Sat. Feb. 1st, Norris Pavilion
Reflections Awards Dinner Wed. Feb. 5
PTA Booster Meeting Tue. Feb. 11
Kindergarten Roundup Wed. Feb. 12, MPR 2:00 P.M. Community Night Wed. Feb. 12, MPR 6:00 P.M.
President's Holiday Feb. 14 - 17 no school
Java With Gina Wed. Feb. 19 Parent Resource Room 9:00 A.M.
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Thank you for supporting | Soleado Elementary School PVP Council of PTAs Thirty-Third District PTA California State PTA
Soleado Elementary School 27800 Longhill Drive Rancho Palos Verdes California 90275 (310) 377-6854 -----------------------------
The Soleado Sun Blast is a twice-monthly digital publication produced by the PTA and Booster Club. The information is intended for the use of Soleado families. If you would like to stop receiving these newsletters please click unsubscribe at the bottom of this issue. |
| Principal's Message  Click above for Mrs. Stutzel's message. |
 | The Next PTA/Booster Club General Meeting Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 11, 2014. Come see who our next faculty speaker from 3rd grade is with interesting news about the classroom. Thank you to 4th grade teacher Mrs. Beall for sharing at our PTA meeting on January 14th. | Happy New Year! The time has come to begin forming the Soleado PTA Board for the 2014/2015 School Year. Please take a few minutes to think about who you think would be a good leader/advocate for Soleado and its students. We are asking that you fill out this straw ballot and bring it in to the office by Tuesday, January 21 with your recommendations. You can also email your nominees to We have also included descriptions of the board positions, as well as chair positions under each Vice President. If anyone is interested in getting involved, but does not want to serve on the PTA Board, volunteering to be a chairperson is a great way. We hope to see many new faces next year. Thanks for your support. Second Grade Field Trip  Last week, 2nd grade classes got their feet wet at the Cabrillo Marine Museum to observe sea life up close and personal. January 2014 Art At Your Fingertips: Golden Icons Created by Lee-Jean Lin
In this three dimensional project students will be introduced to the rich history of Egypt and its ancient writing system. They will create their own version of hieroglyphs on ceramic tile by molding clay into a low-relief sculpture and adding paint to create the look of an ancient artifact. Click here for more details on this project sponsored by the Palos Verdes Art Center. 4th/5th Grade | Friday | Jan. 17 | 1:20 - 2:50 | classroom | 3rd Grade | Tuesday | Jan. 21 | 12:50 - 2:30 | classroom | TK | Wednesday | Jan. 22 | 10:00 - 11:00 | classroom | 2nd Grade | Wednesday | Jan. 22 | 12:50 - 2:30 | classroom | 1st Grade | Thursday | Jan. 23 | 12:50 - 2:30 | classroom | Kindergarten | Friday | Jan. 24 | 12:15 - 2:00 | classroom | If you would like to volunteer in your child's classroom for this Art At Your Fingertips project please contact Trudy Bragg at
Spring Mixer Fundraiser Feb. 1st! Aloha! Soleado parents, guardians, family, friends and staff are invited to join us for our Hawaiian-themed spring mixer at the Norris Pavilion on Saturday, February 1st at 6:30 P.M. There will be silent and live auctions, entertainment, a buffet and more! Tickets are $75 per person by January 24th and $90 at the door. Paper invitations have gone home in backpacks this week.
 Booster Club is looking for donations for the auction to benefit our school. If you have an item you can donate or know of any businesses that can donate to the Soleado Suns please click here for further details. Mahalo! For more information contact Erika Mangham at Shop for Soleado!
 Click above to earn a percentage of your purchases from back to Soleado. Valentines Day is coming next month! Remember to use this link everytime you shop at Amazon:
Enrichment Programs for Soleado
 The following classes are offered for the Winter 2014 Enrichment Program. For further details and registration information click here.
Art From Around the World | Tuesdays | January 21, 28, February 4, 11 | Magic | Wednesdays | January 22, 29, February 5, 12 | Lego Bash | Tuesday | February 18 | Beginning Chess | Thursdays | February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20 | Advanced Chess | Thursdays | February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20 | Jedi Training Camp | Mondays | March 3, 10, 17 | "Fun"- damentals of Science | Tuesday | February 25, March 4, 11, 18 | Chem Kidz! | Mondays | February 3, 10, 24 | Sew Fun | Thursdays | January 30, February 6, 13 | Young Architects! | Wednesdays | February 19, 26, March 5, 12 | Gymnastics | Fridays | January 24, 31, February 7 | Karate: Character Counts | Fridays | February 21, 28, March 7, 14 |
Gently Used Clothing Hanging Around?
 Do you have gently used kids' clothes at home that you're looking to donate or give away? Schoola Stitch is a new online consignment store that sells new and gently used children's clothes and donates part of the sales to schools. It's so easy to do! Just request a bag, fill it with clothes, and either take it to UPS at Peninsula Center or call UPS for a pick up. Stitch will sort it, put it online, and then track sales. For every item sold from a Soleado family, we'll receive up to 40% of the sale price! Use this link for more information:
Costume Closet Prepares for 2014  The Costume Closet is a community service program of the PVP Council of PTA. Its purposes are: 1) To Provide costumes for curriculum-based programs and productions within the PVPUSD. 2) To rent costumes to the community 3) To provide funds to maintain the Costume Closet and support the budget of the PVP Council of PTA's. | It is important that the PVP PTA Council members, PTA Presidents and EVP's contribute the required hours a year of time at the Costume Closet. Without your required hours plus the student volunteer hours as well as parent volunteers from our district the Costume Closet would be unable to offer the services that it does. We are looking to fill in Volunteer time slots on the Supersaas calender. Please sign up for 2 shifts per month (2 hours each). Volunteer shifts are available Wednesday thru Saturday. | |
Thanks to everyone for helping make our "Fire and Ice" Teacher Luncheon in December a huge success! The teachers and staff loved all the yummy dishes. Congratulations to Kerry Nadal who won 1st place for her "Dad's Chicago Firehouse Chicken Chili". Congratulations also to Catherine Lucas and Donna Epstein who tied for "Best Ice Cream". We look forward to the next Teacher Luncheon in May. Thanks again to everyone.
A big thanks to Title 1 teacher Cindy Constable for her assistance with Mrs. Stutzel at morning drop off at the curb. Thank you parents for your cooperation in pulling all the way forward. To assist in the morning flow, we will have 4th and 5th graders helping out with campus duty. Watch for students in colorful vests helping with playground safety and traffic efficiency.
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