1. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!! Click below to volunteer your time please!
2. Purchase your wristbands/tickets early to enjoy the discount! Discount ends Oct 16.
https://www.memberplanet.com/ s/soleadoboosterclub/ soleadohalloweencarnival
3. We need people to help organize our prizes, craft supplies and materials in advance of Sunday. This will be between 2-5 Friday afternoon and 2-5 Saturday afternoon.
4. If you have party favors that they can donate as prizes, we are always in need of those.
5. Can you loan your EZ up tent and/or portable table? We probably
need about 6-8 more of each. These should be marked with your family's name and dropped
off anytime this week at school, or during Saturday 2-5 or before 9 on Sunday.
6. If you have older children (high school, middle school) who can volunteer during the carnival Sunday 12-3 (arriving 10 minutes before shifts), we can use the
help! Either sign up on Member Planet or contact Jennifer at jenniferfnovak@yahoo.com.
Thanks so much!!

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