Just a friendly reminder of all the great events happening this week at Soleado…
1. Sweetheart Dance this Friday night at Ridgecrest from 7-9pm.
a. If you would like to order a photo wristband that gives your child unlimited access to the photo booth, please CLICK HERE to order.
b. RUBY's has created a fundraising opportunity that evening for us as well. If you would like to eat dinner at Ruby's before the event, they will donate 20% of the proceeds back to our school. Another great way to raise money for Soleado and enjoy dinner before the event!
2. Macaroni and Cheese week begins on Friday! The author of the book Macaroni and Cheese, Stacie Turk, will be working with the students on a reader's/writer's workshop in their classroom. You can purchase a signed copy of Macaroni and Cheese and she will hand deliver it to your child the day she visits their class. She is also donating a percentage of the sales back to Soleado.
a. If you would like to purchase your child a signed copy of the book Macaroni and Cheese, please CLICK HERE
3. Java with Gina will be held this Wednesday, 2/4 at 9:00am in the science lab. I will have the author of Macaroni and Cheese talking about her workshop and her book. Also, I have invited the Behaviorists that are guiding and directing the Anti-Bullying program in second grade to introduce the program. I will be including a conversation about our Parent Math Night and discussing our districts next steps to insure fidelity in our math programs district wide.
I hope that you all had a nice 3 day weekend. Our teachers worked diligently with 4 publishers to begin the process of selecting a new math program for next year. The day was a success!
Thank you in advance to all of the families that will have the chance to participate in our events this week. We are a great school because of our teachers, our students, and the wonderful support of our parents!
Gina Stutzel