
Monday, November 24, 2014

Important Reminders from Mrs. Stutzel



Please remember that this Wednesday is a minimum day schedule.
TK will be dismissed at 11:45am and K-5th will be dismissed at 12:00pm.
Parent Teacher conferences are next week starting on December 2nd.  Because of parent conferences, December 2nd-4th will be the minimum day schedule. Report cards will be going home on Monday, December 1st. 
The Soleado Teachers and Staff would like to wish everyone a joyful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Mrs. Stutzel 

Student Council and Labels for Education messages

Soleado Families,

I wanted to share a few important messages with you before the holiday festivities begin…


The link below provides information about our Labels for Education program at Soleado. This site provides information which food products participate in the program that gives back to the schools. So before you do your holiday baking, check the list provided by the Labels for Education website and to make an easy contribution to our school!


·         Student Council is sponsoring an iberries contest.  The deadline is December 12th and teachers have the entry forms.  There are 3 flavors to choose from.  Students illustrate one one of the flavors and submit to the office.  iberries will use the winner of each flavor to display that flavor for a month.  Additionally, they feature all entries on their walls and a few on the website.

·         The Student Council had a really successful Spookygram fundraiser. Thank you to all of those who had a chance to participate!

·         We will have a Pajama Day on December 12th and also plan to have Wintergrams for sale.   Parents can purchase a WHOLE CLASS SET ($20 for 4th and 5th grade and $15 for lower grades) on behalf of their child.  The forms will be available in the office December 15 and 16.  Checks can be made to Soleado Student Council.  Students will have a choice to send a candy cane or fancy eraser.

The Student Council would like to be able to help pay for a GAGA pit, which is an expensive piece of playground equipment.  Our goal is to help pay for it and keep all our other commitments:  donations to SNN, Mathletes, SYS, Colonial Fair, and fun days: like 25 cent lemonade and free Popsicle days, red dot flowers of spring, etc.

Thank you for supporting our Soleado Student Council Program and Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Soleado Sunblast Newsletter

CLICK HERE for important Soleado news containing Tuesday's holiday and other breaking events.

No school tomorrow other school events this week

> Parents,
> A quick reminder...
> NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! We are celebrating Veteran's Day.
> This Friday, 3rd Grade will be selling for $1 (additional .25 for cream cheese) Bagels at recess for the ROOTS & SHOOTS program.
> Appetizer Fund Raiser Monday-Wednesday this week. 20% goes back to our school.
> Thank you,
> Mrs. Stutzel

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Black and White Masquerade Ball and Auction


You should have all received your invitations to the Black and White Masquerade Ball on November 21st. The early bird pricing for tickets ends Friday and then prices go up 20%. Please bring in your RSVP to the parent resource room drop box.

The booster club will be out on the curb this week selling raffle tickets!
We have some really great raffle prizes, one being a 50/50- 50% of the pot to the school and the other 50% you win!

The event chairs are looking for volunteers for the event, please click on the link to view their requests for assistance.

Thank you!

Booster Club Chairs

Monday, November 3, 2014

Treats For Troops

We are supporting the "Treats for Troops" program this Halloween! This program collects and distributes surplus Halloween candy to our nation’s deployed troops.  The annual candy collection kicks off the first week in November with “Operation Trick-or-Treating 4 Our Troops”.

If you have any left over candy, please consider donating it to this program.  Please send in any leftover candy/chocolate to the Front Office by Thursday, November 6th

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Science School Reminders...

> 5th Grade Parents,
> Quick Reminders....
> Monday the bus LEAVES at 8:00am! If you child needs to take any medicines that are not on the medicine list provided, you need to provide them with a Doctor's note.
> I will be going up on Wednesday to see the kids. I will be happy to bring up a letter for your child. Please have your letter to me by Wednesday morning 8:00am. Rhonda will have a box in the front office for the letters. Do not send up food or presents, just a letter sealed with love.
> Thank you and enjoy your Halloween Weekend!
> Mrs. Stutzel