November 14, 2013

As usual, there is always a lot to share in the area of school and
employee achievement and recognition. Some of the highlights include:

PVPUSD Makes College Board “AP” Honor Roll List
The Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District has just received
notification from the College Board that it has been included on the 4th
“Annual AP (Advanced Placement Exam) Honor Roll List.” Only 477 school
districts (public and private) in the United States and Canada (29 in
California) received this honor. The honor roll is based on
examination of three years of AP data from all students who took AP
Examinations in May. Inclusion on the list is based on the following
An increase in participation in Advanced Placement testing.
Performance levels must be maintained or improved when comparing the percentage of exams scoring 3+ in 2013 to 2011.
I want to applaud and congratulate the AP teachers/staff at both high schools who have created such a successful program.

California Distinguished Schools
Once again, PVPUSD schools are being recognized for attaining high
academic achievement and educational excellence for all students. The
Distinguished School award alternates every year between elementary and
secondary schools. The 2014 nominees from PVPUSD for the California
Distinguished School Award are:
Cornerstone @ Pedregal Elementary School
Point Vicente Elementary School
Silver Spur Elementary School
Vista Grande Elementary School

Educator of the Year Ceremony
On November 6th, the Palos Verdes Peninsula Rotary Club hosted the 33rd
annual Educator of the Year dinner. Ten teachers from the public and
private schools in the community were recognized. The honorees from
PVPUSD were:
Allison Palmer – Rancho Vista Elementary
Mindy Castillo – Silver Spur Elementary
Campbell Nimick – Miraleste Intermediate School
Jim Whalen – Palos Verdes High School

SELPA Awards
The Community Advisory Committee for the Southwest SELPA recently
recognized the outstanding work of three PVPUSD special education
Pam Hill (Sunrise Preschool)
Kari Ito (Rancho Vista Elementary)
Tara Swall (Transition to Independence Program)

California Association of School Psychologists, Outstanding Psychologist Award
Jessica Silberling (Coordinator, Student Services) recently received
the Nadine M. Lambert Outstanding School Psychologist Award for her work
as a PVPUSD Psychologist from 2006-2013.

Chuck Miller Grants
On November 21st, the Peninsula Education Foundation (PEF) will present
33 Chuck Miller Grants to PVPUSD teachers at its annual Autumn Harvest
celebration. The grants support innovative and high impact classroom
projects. Teachers know best what will ignite learning, and the PEF is
there to support them.

Collective Bargaining Update
In addition to our recent agreement with the faculty association
(PVFA), the District has reached an agreement with the California School
Employees Association (CSEA) who represent all of the support staff
(non-management) in the district. The agreement includes:
the elimination of furlough days
a 2% salary increase
increased District contribution for medical benefits
This is a tentative agreement that will be considered by the Board of
Education at its November 14th meeting. It has already been ratified by
the CSEA bargaining unit.
I want to thank the PVPUSD and CSEA bargaining teams for all of their
hard work and effort finalizing an agreement that worked for the entire

Budget Plan for Technology (AB 86)
As stated in prior updates, the State budget provides PVPUSD with $2.3
million in one-time “restricted” funds for 2013-14 & 2014-15. These
funds can only be used for professional development, technology,
instructional materials, and textbooks related to the implementation of
the Common Core State Standards. The District also receives other
restricted funds (Title 1, Title 2, restricted lottery, and Measure M
parcel tax) that can be used for the same purposes. The Board of
Education is having ongoing discussions on how to best use these funds.
At the October 24th and November 7th board meetings, Trent
Bahadursingh, Administrator of Technology, presented a $1.4 million
technology plan that will prepare PVPUSD for Spring, 2014 testing and
bring all schools up to an established baseline that will meet classroom
instructional needs.

Support the PEF
Please support the Peninsula Education Foundation (PEF). The $3
million PEF donates to PVPUSD goes directly to school site programs and
staff that benefit students.
For more details about PEF and events, go to or call (310) 378-2278.

Upcoming Board of Education Meetings
The upcoming Board of Education meetings are:
November 14th (Thursday)
December 12th (Thursday)
Regularly scheduled Board of Education meetings start at 6:30 pm at the
Malaga Cove Administration Center located at 375 Via Almar in Palos
Verdes Estates.

District Goals for 2013-14
Goal # 1 - Support the academic achievement of
all students through a rigorous and balanced curriculum, as we
transition to the K-12 implementation of the Common Core State Standards
while continuing to foster critical thinking, collaboration,
creativity, and communication skills.
Goal # 2 - Establish and implement multi-year
plans in order to ensure the fiscal stability of the District and to
support a high quality instructional program.
Goal # 3 - Enhance communication and
collaboration between and among District staff, students, parents, Board
of Education, and community.