
Saturday, November 30, 2013

December Teacher Luncheon Sign ups: FIRE & ICE

A group meal has been created using, and you've been invited to participate!
This group meal is for: Fire & Ice Teacher Luncheon
To occur on Wed, December 11 at 11:30 am
If you would like to sign up, you can access the group meal by clicking here, or by and locating the schedule by coordinator last name (Ruiz) and password (soleado).
I have included additional notes about this group meal below. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Eva Ruiz
Additional Notes:  Please drop bring your dishes between 10:30-11:30 to the staff lounge at Soleado Elementary School on Wednesday, December 11.

This Teacher Luncheon will be a Chili Cook-Off & Homemade Ice Cream contest:

Prize for best chili is $20 gift card to Chili's restaurant
Prize for best ice cream is $10 gift card to Baskin Robbins

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Orange Ribbon Week at Soleado

Dear Soleado Sun Families,

We are unofficially designating next week as "Orange Ribbon Week," as a reminder that our Soleado Suns shine brighter when they receive the support of our entire school community.  In the spirit of giving thanks, we want to acknowledge everyone who has participated in our Direct Donation Drive this year.  Next Tuesday and Wednesday, the Booster Club will be handing out our new t-shirts, umbrellas, coolers, and beach towels to all families who donated at the qualifying levels.  We will be in the parent resource room in the front office on Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-5, so please come see us when you pick up your student from school or attend your parent/teacher conferences.

If you pledged a donation but have not brought in your donation check, please use next week as a reminder to do so.  If you have any questions about whether you have paid, please contact Jennifer Novak at

And if you have not yet donated directly to the school, please consider doing so, even for a small amount.  Your student benefits from parent fundraising every single day he or she is at school, in ways you may not even recognize.  Has your child eaten lunch under the shade tarp above our lunch tables?  Our Soleado families had to raise $3,000 to pay for it.  The computers and iPads that our students use every week?  Over the last few years, our families had to raise more than $100,000 to pay for them.  The field trips that our students will take this year?  Parent fundraising will pay more than $5,000 for them.  None of these essentials are possible without our parent donations and fundraising events.

Now, as we transition into an environment that relies even more on computer-based learning, fundraising is more important than ever.  Mrs. Stutzel has asked the Booster Club to purchase another 10 iPads and even more iPad cases, which will cost more than $5,000.  Will you help us raise that amount by the end of the year, so that our teachers can have the resources they need to move us into Common Core learning and testing?  

Again, we'd like to raise $5,000 by the end of the year.  If you have not paid your pledge, please do so.  If you have not donated, please consider donating even $20, $50, $100 or more during our Orange Ribbon Week.  Our Soleado Suns need your help!

Many thanks,

Your Soleado Booster Club
Mrs. Stutzel

Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary
"A Place in the Sun"

27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275
(310)377-6854 ext.200 (310)544-0916 (fax)


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

Monday, November 18, 2013

Did you miss the Soleado Photo Fundraiser?

Did you miss the Soleado Photo Fundraiser?

We had such a success On Location Photography is offering an extra day! Don't miss out. Space is limited.
Sunday November 24, 2013 Hesse Park 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Contact On Location Photography Directly at 310-800-3099 or email

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Superintendent's Update 11/14

November 14, 2013

As usual, there is always a lot to share in the area of school and employee achievement and recognition.  Some of the highlights include:

PVPUSD Makes College Board “AP” Honor Roll List

The Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District has just received notification from the College Board that it has been included on the 4th “Annual AP (Advanced Placement Exam) Honor Roll List.”  Only 477 school districts (public and private) in the United States and Canada (29 in California) received this honor.   The honor roll is based on examination of three years of AP data from all students who took AP Examinations in May.  Inclusion on the list is based on the following criteria:
  • An increase in participation in Advanced Placement testing.
  • Performance levels must be maintained or improved when comparing the percentage of exams scoring 3+ in 2013 to 2011.
I want to applaud and congratulate the AP teachers/staff at both high schools who have created such a successful program.

California Distinguished Schools

Once again, PVPUSD schools are being recognized for attaining high academic achievement and educational excellence for all students.  The Distinguished School award alternates every year between elementary and secondary schools.  The 2014 nominees from PVPUSD for the California Distinguished School Award are:
  • Cornerstone @ Pedregal Elementary School
  • Point Vicente Elementary School
  • Silver Spur Elementary School
  • Vista Grande Elementary School

Educator of the Year Ceremony

On November 6th, the Palos Verdes Peninsula Rotary Club hosted the 33rd annual Educator of the Year dinner.  Ten teachers from the public and private schools in the community were recognized.  The honorees from PVPUSD were:
  • Allison Palmer – Rancho Vista Elementary
  • Mindy Castillo – Silver Spur Elementary
  • Campbell Nimick – Miraleste Intermediate School
  • Jim Whalen – Palos Verdes High School

SELPA Awards

The Community Advisory Committee for the Southwest SELPA recently recognized the outstanding work of three PVPUSD special education teachers.
  • Pam Hill (Sunrise Preschool)
  • Kari Ito (Rancho Vista Elementary)
  • Tara Swall (Transition to Independence Program)

California Association of School Psychologists, Outstanding Psychologist Award

  • Jessica Silberling (Coordinator, Student Services) recently received the Nadine M. Lambert Outstanding School Psychologist Award for her work as a PVPUSD Psychologist from 2006-2013.

Chuck Miller Grants

On November 21st, the Peninsula Education Foundation (PEF) will present 33 Chuck Miller Grants to PVPUSD teachers at its annual Autumn Harvest celebration. The grants support innovative and high impact classroom projects.  Teachers know best what will ignite learning, and the PEF is there to support them.

Collective Bargaining Update

In addition to our recent agreement with the faculty association (PVFA), the District has reached an agreement with the California School Employees Association (CSEA) who represent all of the support staff (non-management) in the district.  The agreement includes:
  • the elimination of furlough days
  • a 2% salary increase
  • increased District contribution for medical benefits
This is a tentative agreement that will be considered by the Board of Education at its November 14th meeting.  It has already been ratified by the CSEA bargaining unit.
I want to thank the PVPUSD and CSEA bargaining teams for all of their hard work and effort finalizing an agreement that worked for the entire organization.

Budget Plan for Technology (AB 86)

As stated in prior updates, the State budget provides PVPUSD with $2.3 million in one-time “restricted” funds for 2013-14 & 2014-15.  These funds can only be used for professional development, technology, instructional materials, and textbooks related to the implementation of the Common Core State Standards.  The District also receives other restricted funds (Title 1, Title 2, restricted lottery, and Measure M parcel tax) that can be used for the same purposes.  The Board of Education is having ongoing discussions on how to best use these funds.  At the October 24th and November 7th board meetings, Trent Bahadursingh, Administrator of Technology, presented a $1.4 million technology plan that will prepare PVPUSD for Spring, 2014 testing and bring all schools up to an established baseline that will meet classroom instructional needs.

Support the PEF

  • Please support the Peninsula Education Foundation (PEF).  The $3 million PEF donates to PVPUSD goes directly to school site programs and staff that benefit students.
  • For more details about PEF and events, go to or call (310) 378-2278.

Upcoming Board of Education Meetings

The upcoming Board of Education meetings are:
  • November 14th (Thursday)
  • December 12th  (Thursday)
Regularly scheduled Board of Education meetings start at 6:30 pm at the Malaga Cove Administration Center located at 375 Via Almar in Palos Verdes Estates.

District Goals for 2013-14

  • Goal # 1 - Support the academic achievement of all students through a rigorous and balanced curriculum, as we transition to the K-12 implementation of the Common Core State Standards while continuing to foster critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.
  • Goal # 2 - Establish and implement multi-year plans in order to ensure the fiscal stability of the District and to support a high quality instructional program. 
  • Goal # 3 - Enhance communication and collaboration between and among District staff, students, parents, Board of Education, and community.

Shop and Earn Money for Our School!

Shop at poppi Friday Nov. 22, Saturday the 23rd or Sunday the 24th and poppi will donate 20% back to Soleado!

Poppi offers fun designer clothing, denim & accessories.  Get yourself something new & start on that Holiday shopping list.  Don't forget to mention Soleado when you make your purchase.

Friday & Saturday 11-6, Sunday 11-4
2325 Palos Verdes Drive West, Suite 201
Palos Verdes Estates in the Lunada Bay Shopping Center
(310) 544-7700

This Week At Soleado 11/18-11/22

Character Counts Pillar For The Month: Fairness.

What Is Fairness?
•Fairness implies that each one of us should follow
a standard of rightness without regard to our own
personal feelings or inclinations.
•Fairness implies freedom from prejudice.
•Fairness also implies impartiality about any side.
•The moral obligations of fairness are almost always
associated with the exercise of a person’s power to
render judgments that give benefits to or impose
burdens on other persons.
Fairness is concerned with actions, processes,
and consequences that are morally right,
honorable, and equitable.
In essence, fairness establishes moral standards
for decisions that affect others.
Fair decisions are made in an appropriate manner,
based on appropriate criteria.
The Principles of Fairness
•Treat all people in a fair, just, and impartial way,
based on their merits and abilities.
•Handle all essentially similar situations consistently.
•Make all decisions on appropriate criteria, without
undue favoritism or improper prejudice.
•Promptly and voluntarily correct personal and
institutional mistakes and improprieties.
•Do not take unfair advantage of people’s mistakes
or ignorance.
•Fully consider the rights, interests, and perspectives
of all persons involved or affected.


This Tuesday Nov. 19th, the directories will be bound, sorted and eventually distributed.  We need 2-4 parents to help bind the directories on their premises between 8:30 - 10:30 A.M.  We can meet at school before we go to Rancho Del Mar High School to do this.  If we have more people, we can actually sort the directories into classes as we go and be done with the whole thing by 11:00.  Many hands make light work.  (The printers have their hands full, printing other directories and cannot do the binding.)  Later we will add the PTA memberships to each directory before they are sent to the classrooms.

Don't forget to check out our "SHOP FOR SOLEADO" link to find out how you can raise money for our school. There are so many ways to PASSIVELY raise money while you do your routine shopping. Why not raise money for our suns while holiday shopping this year! You can even share the online box tops site with your family members to help!!


  • Choir class meets in the MPR 7:40 am 
  • Art At Your Fingertips 
  • PVPUSD Parent Night Panel: Implementing the Common Core Standards CLICK HERE

Roots and Shoots support opportunity

Roots & Shoots will be joining forces with "One Warm Coat" for a coat collection drive starting on Nov.14th. All gently used coats would be appreciated- especially men's.

The coats will be donated to a local shelter in Redondo Beach where they will be put to good use. There will be collection boxes in front of the office as well as in Vista big room.

We appreciate you helping us help others!

Soleado Suns Roots & Shoots



  • Are you collecting your Box Tops to turn in to the front office? CLICK HERE to print out a collection sheet and start collecting today.

PTA Nominating Committee Volunteers Needed

We need your help! PTA is looking for 5 volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee.  This committee's purpose is to find our PTA board leaders for 
the 2014/2015
 school year.  Serving on this committee is always an important job, but this year especially,
 as m
any of the current board members 
will be completing their 2 year terms.
   We need individuals who have children in all different grade levels to help out 
by giving your thoughts and 
Nominating Committee m
eetings will begin in January and we will have about 3-4 meetings.  During these meeting, we gather nominations from the school parent population, and prepare a slate to present at the February PTA/Booster meeting for a March election.  

Please email Rachel Rioux at if you would be willing to serve on this committee.
By volunteering a few hours of your time, you are helping  find who will be the  PTA leaders of Soleado next year. 


  •   Ensemble Class meets at  7:40 am. MPR


Show school spirit by wearing spirit wear/school colors.

Have you considered volunteering at the Costume Closet. Our school earns credit for every hour you work. CLICK HERE for more information.

Just a reminder, our teachers are implementing the Common Core principals/learning style with "Learning Targets". Be sure to ask your child to tell you what their learning target was for the day. :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

This week at Soleado Nov 11- Nov 15

This week at Soleado: November 11-Nov 15

Character Counts Pillar For The Month: Fairness.

What Is Fairness?
•Fairness implies that each one of us should follow
a standard of rightness without regard to our own
personal feelings or inclinations.
•Fairness implies freedom from prejudice.
•Fairness also implies impartiality about any side.
•The moral obligations of fairness are almost always
associated with the exercise of a person’s power to
render judgments that give benefits to or impose
burdens on other persons.
Fairness is concerned with actions, processes,
and consequences that are morally right,
honorable, and equitable.
In essence, fairness establishes moral standards
for decisions that affect others.
Fair decisions are made in an appropriate manner,
based on appropriate criteria.
The Principles of Fairness
•Treat all people in a fair, just, and impartial way,
based on their merits and abilities.
•Handle all essentially similar situations consistently.
•Make all decisions on appropriate criteria, without
undue favoritism or improper prejudice.
•Promptly and voluntarily correct personal and
institutional mistakes and improprieties.
•Do not take unfair advantage of people’s mistakes
or ignorance.
•Fully consider the rights, interests, and perspectives
of all persons involved or affected.


No School!

Our wonderful Booster Club has partnered with a local photographer to offer you holiday photos, and another opportunity to raise money for our school! CLICK HERE to schedule your family portraits today!!
Don't forget to check out our "SHOP FOR SOLEADO" link to find out how you can raise money for our school. There are so many ways to PASSIVELY raise money while you do your routine shopping. 


  • Choir class meets in the MPR 7:40 am 

Roots and Shoots support opportunity

Roots & Shoots will be joining forces with "One Warm Coat" for a coat collection drive starting on Nov.14th. All gently used coats would be appreciated- especially men's.

The coats will be donated to a local shelter in Redondo Beach where they will be put to good use. There will be collection boxes in front of the office as well as in Vista big room.

We appreciate you helping us help others!

Soleado Suns Roots & Shoots



  • Are you collecting your Box Tops to turn in to the front office? CLICK HERE to print out a collection sheet and start collecting today.

PTA Nominating Committee Volunteers Needed

We need your help! PTA is looking for 5 volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee.  This committee's purpose is to find our PTA board leaders for 
the 2014/2015
 school year.  Serving on this committee is always an important job, but this year especially,
 as m
any of the current board members 
will be completing their 2 year terms.
   We need individuals who have children in all different grade levels to help out 
by giving your thoughts and 
Nominating Committee m
eetings will begin in January and we will have about 3-4 meetings.  During these meeting, we gather nominations from the school parent population, and prepare a slate to present at the February PTA/Booster meeting for a March election.  

Please email Rachel Rioux at if you would be willing to serve on this committee.
By volunteering a few hours of your time, you are helping  find who will be the  PTA leaders of Soleado next year. 


  •   Ensemble Class meets at  7:40 am. MPR


Show school spirit by wearing spirit wear/school colors.
5th Grade Outdoor science school students return at 1:30.

Have you considered volunteering at the Costume Closet. Our school earns credit for every hour you work. CLICK HERE for more information.

Just a reminder, our teachers are implementing the Common Core principals/learning style with "Learning Targets". Be sure to ask your child to tell you what their learning target was for the day. :)

PTA Nominating Committee Volunteers Needed

We need your help! PTA is looking for 5 volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee.  This committee's purpose is to find our PTA board leaders for 
the 2014/2015
 school year.  Serving on this committee is always an important job, but this year especially,
 as m
any of the current board members 
will be completing their 2 year terms.
   We need individuals who have children in all different grade levels to help out 
by giving your thoughts and 
Nominating Committee m
eetings will begin in January and we will have about 3-4 meetings.  During these meeting, we gather nominations from the school parent population, and prepare a slate to present at the February PTA/Booster meeting for a March election.  

Please email Rachel Rioux at if you would be willing to serve on this committee.
By volunteering a few hours of your time, you are helping  find who will be the  PTA leaders of Soleado next year. 

Thank you, 
Rachel Rioux

Art At Your Fingertips Holiday Project Open House

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Roots and Shoots support opportunity

Dear Soleado Families,

Roots & Shoots will be joining forces with "One Warm Coat" for a coat collection drive starting on Nov.14th. All gently used coats would be appreciated- especially men's.

The coats will be donated to a local shelter in Redondo Beach where they will be put to good use. There will be collection boxes in front of the office as well as in Vista big room.
We appreciate you helping us help others!

Soleado Suns Roots & Shoots 

Thank you for your support,
Mrs. Stutzel

Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary
"A Place in the Sun"

27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275
(310)377-6854 ext.200 (310)544-0916 (fax)


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Family Photo Session Booking NOW!

Our wonderful Booster Club has partnered with a local photographer to offer you holiday photos, and another opportunity to raise money for our school! CLICK HERE to schedule your family portraits today!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Family Social Reminder

Parents of Soleado,

Just a friendly reminder that we have a wonderful opportunity to earn 20% of the proceeds from Luna Rossa, the Italian Restaurant on 550 Deep Valley Drive, all day tomorrow!

All you have to do is order lunch or dinner (even "to-go" orders) and Soleado will earn 20% of the total proceeds.

Enjoy a delicious bite of pizza, risotto, pasta, seafood, and steak while giving back to Soleado.

Thank you,
Mrs. Stutzel
Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary
"A Place in the Sun"
27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275
(310)377-6854 ext.200 (310)544-0916 (fax)


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified District

Sunday, November 3, 2013

This week at Soleado: November 4 - November 8

Happy Sunday Soleado Families!!We hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a great week! 

This week is full of important events and activities that you should mark on your calendars.

Character Counts Pillar For The Month: Fairness.

What Is Fairness?
•Fairness implies that each one of us should follow
a standard of rightness without regard to our own
personal feelings or inclinations.
•Fairness implies freedom from prejudice.
•Fairness also implies impartiality about any side.
•The moral obligations of fairness are almost always
associated with the exercise of a person’s power to
render judgments that give benefits to or impose
burdens on other persons.
Fairness is concerned with actions, processes,
and consequences that are morally right,
honorable, and equitable.
In essence, fairness establishes moral standards
for decisions that affect others.
Fair decisions are made in an appropriate manner,
based on appropriate criteria.
The Principles of Fairness
•Treat all people in a fair, just, and impartial way,
based on their merits and abilities.
•Handle all essentially similar situations consistently.
•Make all decisions on appropriate criteria, without
undue favoritism or improper prejudice.
•Promptly and voluntarily correct personal and
institutional mistakes and improprieties.
•Do not take unfair advantage of people’s mistakes
or ignorance.
•Fully consider the rights, interests, and perspectives
of all persons involved or affected.


 I am sure many of us are experiencing a candy hangover with our kiddos, so if you are anxious to get the junk out of your house, you can bring it in to the office this week and we will be donating it to our troops. 

Don't forget to check out our "SHOP FOR SOLEADO" link to find out how you can raise money for our school. There are so many ways to PASSIVELY raise money while you do your routine shopping. 


  • Choir class meets in the MPR 7:40 am 

  • SNN meeting: 3:00-3:30 MPR

  • Check out new Booster Club Opportunities by CLICKING HERE. We are excited to offer family photo sessions and a portion of your sitting fee will be donated to our school.




  • Are you collecting your Box Tops to turn in to the front office? CLICK HERE to print out a collection sheet and start collecting today.


  •   Ensemble Class meets at  7:40 am. MPR


Show school spirit by wearing spirit wear/school colors.
Please note: Monday, November 11: No school for Veteran's Day

Have you considered volunteering at the Costume Closet. Our school earns credit for every hour you work. CLICK HERE for more information.

To the left is a  sample problem from the new 3rd grade math assessment. Click here to take a practice test.
Just a reminder, our teachers are implementing the Common Core principals/learning style with "Learning Targets". Be sure to ask your child to tell you what their learning target was for the day. :)