
Friday, August 30, 2013

First Week Success (Message from Mrs. Stutzel)

Dear Soleado Parents,
Welcome back!  It has been an exciting first week of school.  The students are already working hard, the teachers are in full swing, and the plants are growing back after a long summer of drought. I would like to send a special thank you to all of the students and parents of Soleado for welcoming me with open arms.  I feel blessed to be part of such an extraordinary school.

Just a few reminders as we move into the next few weeks of school…

In order to ensure that our students have ample time to socialize with their peers and develop appropriate social skills, please refrain from going down onto the playground with your child in the morning when you drop them off.  Parents should remain in the front of the school and allow their child to walk to the playground, find their friends and begin their school day.  This will help them to build a sense of independence and self-confidence.

Children will not be allowed to arrange play dates once the school day has begun.  All play dates must be arranged by parents before school begins.  In addition, if you have arranged for a play date and your child will be going home with another parent who is not on your emergency card as having permission to take your child off campus, your child must have written permission in order to be released to the other parent.  A phone contact will not suffice.

As a reminder, student lunches should be arranged before the child arrives at school.  If your child will not be participating in the school lunch program, send them with the appropriate lunch.  If your child forgets their lunch, we will provide them with a cheese sandwich, fruit and milk or juice and you will be billed.  The office staff will not deliver lunches to the classroom once the school day has begun.

Back to School Night will be on Thursday, September 12.  Parents of TK – 3rd grade students will meet in the MPR at 6:00 for a brief meeting with me before reporting to their child’s classroom.  Parents of 4th and 5th grade students will meet in the MPR at 7:15 for a brief meeting with me.  Fifth grade parents will remain in the MPR to meet with their teachers and the 4th grade parents will report to their child’s classroom.  I am looking forward to seeing all of our returning parents and meeting new families at our Back to School night.

Friday, September 13th will be picture day.  Make sure to shine the kids up and send them to school with a smile on their faces.  They will need to bring their order form with them so don’t forget to send it.  Friday will also be a minimum day and all students will be dismissed at 12:45.  TK and Kindergarten parents remember to pick your child up at the Flaming Arrow gate at the back of the school.  This is where you will pick your child up every Monday and on all minimum days.

ALL adults MUST SIGN IN AT THE OFFICE and receive a visitor’s badge. No adult is to be past the gates or front office without signing in!

Over all, the opening of the school year has been quite smooth.  We are still working out a few bugs with the TK/Kindergarten pick up and I would like to offer the following ways that parents can help us in this area.
1.      All TK and Kinder parents should remain in their cars and continue to pull forward in the line.  Your child will be escorted to the car and put in when you are close to the Kindergarten gate.
2.      If you would like to park on the street and walk down to get your child, please remember to wait for them outside of the gate so that teachers can easily locate students whose parents are waiting in cars.
3.      Parents of 1st and 2nd graders should not enter the parking lot earlier than 2:30.  We need to have all of the TK and Kinder students safely in their cars before the upper grade parents begin parking along the curb.  Parents of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders should not enter the parking lot earlier than 2:50.  We need to have as many of the lower grade students as possible picked up before adding the additional cars of the upper grades. 
4.      Pick up on Flaming Arrow is for TK-K only!  All other grades levels must wait at the front of the school to be picked up. 
5.      If you place the name of the child you are picking up on a piece of paper on your dashboard, the process of locating and loading your child will be quicker.
6.      Please abide by the street safety laws while you are waiting to turn into the school.   No one should be driving on the wrong side of the street to turn into the school “stop and drop!”
7.      No children should ever be in the parking lot when traffic is present.  Parents are not permitted to park in the lot and walk their child to their car. 

Thank you all in advance for your support in making our traffic flow as smooth and safe as possible. 

Once again, welcome back to Soleado!  I am truly looking forward to a terrific year of learning and growth for all of our students.

Mrs. Gina Stutzel

API Scores are here!!

Great job Soleado!!! API Scores have been released and our Suns did a fantastic job! Full link is below but look how we measured up: 

Cornerstone 974
Silver Spur 966

SOLEADO 965  +17 points from last year

Point Vicente 952
Montemalaga 947
Rancho Vista 941
Lunada Bay 940
Vista Grande 935
Dapplegray 932
MiraCatalina 918

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Don't take my word for it...Oprah even encourages parents to get involved with your child's school :)

Teacher and mother in classroom
Photo: Digital Vision/Thinkstock


Parental involvement in the classroom has had a proven, positive effect on children's success. But how do you find time in your already-busy schedule to volunteer? Try these 38 simple ways to make the most of the upcoming school year.

On your very last day of school, you probably relished the fact that you'd never have to step foot in a classroom ever again. Goodbye, homework! So long, teachers! School is out, for good.

Until you became a parent, that is.

According to decades of scientific research—including a study from the Department of Education that reviews 30 years of research—parental involvement in the classroom is a key factor in improving students' academic performance. Returning to the classroom and showing up to school translates into your child's overall success.

With study after study revealing the dramatic impact of parental presence, it's been drilled into the heads of moms and dads across the country that they must make an effort in their children's classrooms. Sure, you know that's what you need to do, but do you know how to do it?

Between demanding work schedules, family responsibilities, household upkeep, frequent errands and cooking for what sometimes seems like a small army, it may seem impossible to find time to devote to being in yet another place at another time, all school year long. But even the busiest parents can get involved in the classroom without spending time they don't have or stretching themselves too thin. The secret is knowing how to allocate your limited availability and which small-scale ideas have a big impact.

The Power of Three Hours

Volunteering in the classroom for just three hours over the course of the entire school year is enough to make an impact. In fact, this idea is the foundation of The National Parent-Teacher Association's Three for Me program, encouraging and guiding busy parents through different ways to get involved at their children's schools.

With free online resources, sample forms, promotional fliers and a forum for idea-sharing, Three for Me does a huge part of the time-consuming work for you—all you need to focus on is your child. So, find just three hours over the course of nine months to volunteer in your child's classroom, and you'll be helping set him up for success not just now, but in the future as well.

Read more:

Another link that I had the hardest time finding!!

As I go through my "new school year" routine, I am remembering things that were a little more challenging than others as a new parent to the district.  One of them being my daughter's school lunch account. I am pretty comfortable with the computer and finding this site was not very easy!! So by posting below, I hope that I can save you some time in searching.

Once you create a user name and password, you can add funds, check balances, and even see your child's lunch history. One feature I find convenient is the "low balance" warning. :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Clothing Donations for the Soleado Health office

Hi everyone,
Our Health Office is in need of some clothing donations to keep on hand in case any of the students has an accident during school hours.  If you have any boys/girls/generic hand me down clothes that are sizes 6-8 please drop off to Susan in the Health Office.  Any donations greatly appreciated.  

They are also in need of boys underwear in the same sizes.

Thank you!

Important Links For Our School

As we begin a new school year, I want to welcome both our new families and returning back to our wonderful school! Mrs. Stutzel greeted our new parents at our welcome tea yesterday and she pointed out a few links that you might want to take a look at.

First, our homepage on Edline is

For more information on the events in your child's class, many of the teachers use the links on Edline.

For school schedules click here:

If you want to learn more about the Common Core

Mrs. Stutzel pointed out a link to take a look at the practice tests for the New Standardized Testing
geared more towards the Common Core.

Link to our registration packet:

Please consider becoming more involved this year!! Currently, we are looking for:

Room parent coordinator
Green Ribbon Week Chair
Community Read-In Chair
and a few other positions on our board. But please don't hesitate to contact me and we can work together to find something that fits into your schedule!!

Thanks and I wish you all a happy and successful school year!!

Jennifer Farrell

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Vote for our school!!

Visit to vote for our school.
Your vote makes a big difference to our school.

This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. So please remember that, although the gesture is small, the rewards are potentially huge. Go to to vote for Soleado Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million. And please forward this email to your friends. Vote and see rules at
Mrs. Stutzel

Monday, August 26, 2013

Parking Lot Safety

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,

As the new school year begins, I would like to remind all of the Soleado Families of the importance of traffic safety at our school. Please know that our primary concern at the school is for your child’s safety.  It is for that reason that I am asking all of our parents and any adult dropping off or picking up a child to adhere to the following guidelines:

1.    Never allow your child to exit a vehicle into traffic.  This places them at an unnecessary risk.  If you have a car seat in the passenger side, have your child climb over it to exit the vehicle. 

2.    Never walk your child across the parking lot to a parked car.  This places your child directly in the path of cars that are exiting via the “through traffic” lane of the parking lot.

3.    We have had several incidents over the past years in the Kindergarten playground after school with students who are not being supervised.  I know that many of our parents have been collecting their kindergartener or lower grade child and then allowing them to play in the Kindergarten play yard until the upper grade students are dismissed.  The problem is that other students see children playing and assume that they can play as well but they are not being supervised by anyone.  This has led to several incidents in which children have been hurt.  Please wait with your child either in front of the school (fully supervised and waiting with you) or in your car.
4.    We have had reports over the years that several of our students, some as young as second grade, walk to their home in the Ridgecrest area after school.  While I believe that it is important that we encourage our students to walk and ride bikes to school, I do not want any of our students crossing Silver Spur and walking great distances alone.  We all know that the world can be a dangerous place and young children walking alone along busy streets presents a potential risk that can and should be avoided.  If you are in need of transportation for your child, please first seek neighbors with whom your child might carpool.  If you are unable to find anyone, let me know and I will do my best to find a family that comes from your area. 
5.    There are several families who wait in the Kid’s Corner parking lot to pick up their children.  The Kid’s Corner parking lot is for Kid’s Corner participants only.  There are no sidewalks or walkways designed for students to walk independently.  Please wait for your child in the traffic line in front of the school.

6.    Please do not park your car on Longhill and call for your child to come and meet you.  If you would like, you may park on Longhill and walk down to get your child and escort them back to your car.  In this way, all of our students are crossing traffic with an adult escort.

7.    Please watch your speed in the parking lot.  Remember that this is a school and there are children present.  Traffic conditions can change in an instant. 

8.    Please refrain from using your cell phone (if you can actually get reception) in the parking lot.  It is imperative that your full attention is on the road.

9.    Please be mindful of the color of the curb on which you are parking.  Red curbs indicate areas where parking is not allowed.  This has been an issue with parents who are parking on the red curb at the base of the ramp next to the Kindergarten yard.  It is difficult for cars to make the turn up the ramp when a parked vehicle is in the way.  This is why our morning drop-off is often times backed up.

I know that most of this seems a bit obvious to most of our parents.  Please know that I make these requests for the safety of our students.  As your principal, the thought of anything happening to any one of my students is by far in a way my worst nightmare. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for your continued support of our place in the sun.

Gina Stutzel

New Family Welcome Tea Tuesday 8/27

Please join us in the MPR tomorrow for our new family welcome tea from 9am-10am.

Our PTA Board will be there welcome you to our school.

First Day Of School

Soleado Families,

The excitement of the first day of school is upon us.  It was nice to see so many families at registration today and enjoying  the excitement of the new school year at Soleado. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow school begins at 8:30 and ends at 12:45.  Make sure to pack a snack for your child and dress appropriately for the warm weather.

Wednesday- Friday school begins at 8:30 and ends at 12:45 for TK, 2:36 for grades 1 and 2, and 3:00 for grades 3-5. 

I am looking forward to a great year of learning, growing, and creating great relationships!

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs. Stutzel

Mrs. Gina Stutzel M.Ed
Principal, Soleado Elementary
"A Place in the Sun"
27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275
(310)377-6854 ext.200 (310)544-0916 (fax)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Vote for Soleado

Your vote makes a big difference to our school.
Visit to vote for our school.   

This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. So please remember that, although the gesture is small, the rewards are potentially huge.

Go to to vote for Soleado Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million.

Vote and see rules at