
Friday, May 24, 2013

Field Day Volunteers Needed

Hi everyone!
The end of the year is near and one of the students' favorite days coming up is Field Day.  We need some help with the set up on Friday, May 31st - so please let me know if you're available.

Mr. Allen has provided us with a complete guide on how to set up the course and it should only take about 1 hour if I can get 10 people there to help.   We'll need to be there at 730am to have everything ready by the time school starts.  Mr. Al will be able to help us as well.

Once the event starts at 9:15 am - the teachers take over supervising the event with Mr. Allen.
Please contact Jennifer:
We would love to have you :) 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Quick Reminder From Mr. Allen

This is just a quick reminder that Friday, May 24th is a pupil free day and there will be no school for the students.  Enjoy your 4 day weekend!

Important Meeting Friday May 31 at 8:45 am MPR

Dear Soleado PTA Members,
In order to streamline home/school communications and provide our parents with added convenience, the Soleado PTA would like to implement Member Planet for the upcoming school year.  Member Planet is an online service that will centralize all of our school emails, calendars, announcements, PTA memberships, Sunblasts, and any other forms of communication that we send to the  school community.

In order to secure final approval from the Soleado PTA, I'm calling a very brief emergency  meeting on Friday, May 31st  so that we may take a formal vote from the PTA members.  We are required by the California PTA to conduct this vote by the end of the school year  in order to move ahead with the implementation of Member Planet.

If you could please attend this meeting on Friday, May 31st at 8:45
in the MPR before Field Day starts at 9:15 that would be most appreciated.

In addition to the vote, we can answer any questions you may have about Member Planet at this time as well.  You can access  the Member Planet site at:

Thank you for your time and we look forward to a very succesful school year at Soleado utilizing the many tools of Member Planet.  

Sara Robinson
PTA President

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

School Supply Ordering Reminder

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,

This is just a quick reminder that tomorrow in the MPR from 1 – 2:30 p.m the PTA will be available to assist parents in signing up for Member Planet and answering any questions you might have. We encourage all Soleado parents to sign up for Member Planet as the Soleado First Day Packet will only be available on line through Member Planet beginning this August.
If you have not already done so, you may still pre-purchase your school supplies for next year on Member Planet. Simply click on the following link to go directly to the supply order form:

Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Your Soleado PTA

Monday, May 20, 2013

Error in Student-Staff Kickball Game

> Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
> It has come to my attention that there was an error in the letter that went home regarding the Students vs. Staff kickball game. The game will be played today, May 20th at 1:45 for students grades TK -2 and at 2:30 for students grades 3-5. I am truly sorry for the confusion. The error was mine as I was rushing to get it out. I hope that parents can still make it to cheer their child on.
> I look forward to seeing you today.
> Kevin Allen

Friday, May 17, 2013

Lunch changes on Tuesday!! Important!!

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
On Tuesday, May 21st we will not be serving a regular hot lunch for our students in 1st - 5th grades but will instead be serving pre-prepared sack lunches.  This one-day-only change was made to allow the students to have lunch in their classrooms while their teachers are attending the Honorary Service Awards.  The sack lunches need to be pre-ordered so that they are ready for the students on Tuesday.  If you have not already done so, please go to the Soleado Edline site at the following address: ,download the lunch order form and make sure that it is returned to the front office by Monday morning.  Lunches can be paid for using your child’s pre-paid lunch account by checking the appropriate box on the form. Please bear in mind that the pre-prepared lunches will be the only food served at Soleado on Tuesday.  If you chose not to order the sack lunch or do not get your form in by Monday morning, please send a lunch to school with your child. 
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Kevin Allen

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

HSA Award Time

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
The Soleado PTA will be hosting their annual Honorary Service Awards Luncheon on
Tuesday, May 21 at 11:30 am in the MPR. We will be installing the new PTA Board
and honoring the "Shining Suns" of Soleado who make our school really "shine."

Parents and especially PTA Members are welcome.

If you are able to attend, please RSVP to Catherine Lucas at
by Friday, May 17.
Thank you for your continued support of our Soleado Suns!
Your Soleado PTA

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pre-Order School Supplies For Next Year!

2013-2014 School Supply Program
Dear Soleado School Families, 

Pre-purchase your 2013-2014 School Supplies ~ Support our School, Save Time, and Gas.

Because of the ongoing budget crisis, we again find ourselves with no district funding for school supplies. At the beginning of every school year, students are asked to bring in a variety of school and classroom supplies. When these are gone, families are asked to send in more or they are replaced using school funds. The school also purchases all of the other supplies that are needed for general use in the classroom. This includes construction paper, materials for art projects, laminating supplies, the Scholastic Weekly Reader, writing paper, photocopying supplies, and many other items too numerous to list. Due to the continuing budget cuts, no funds will be allocated from the district for school supplies and materials again this year.

The Soleado School Supplies Program offers the opportunity for parents to pre-purchase of the yearly school supplies now.This includes all back to school supplies as well as the materials mentioned above that your teacher will need during the school year. This means you aren't running around looking for those hard to get oil pastels, folders, pencil sharpeners, etc...on the teachers' list! We will do it for you!

Every penny will go directly to school supplies.

  In order to have time to place orders and receive them before the first day of school, pre-orders must be in by June 7th, 2013.

As with last year,
the cost is $65 for grades TK - 5.

Click here to fill out School Supply Form


Form Questions?

If you have any problem with the form itself, or submitting the form, please contact MemberPlanet Support Team. Customer Support is available
Monday-Friday from 8am to 5pm PST.

Phone – (888) 298-8845
Email –
LiveChat – Click here and scroll down to bottom of page to chat with one of customer service representatives.  

School Questions?
If you have questions regarding the School Supply Program please contact the PTA at
         Need Assistance? Attend our Memberplanet help day Thursday May 23rd  1:00pm-3:00pm


Soleado PTA

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Last to Paint a Tile for the Tile Wall!

Hi Soleado Suns-
We are offering one last chance for those of you who missed out on painting a sun to raise money for Soleado's technology needs. We need seven more tiles to fill our third commemorative tile wall. Some people mentioned they wished they would have had their younger child who is not yet at Soleado participate- now is your chance!
The painting will be done at the Torrance Color Me Mine in Rolling HIlls Plaza. Please come in to the office and pick up a coupon to present to the store. Tiles are $50- you can pay at the office (checks made payable to Soleado Booster Club), no payment will be remitted to the Color Me Mine Store. We would really like to get the plaques hung before school gets out- so the sooner the better. Only 8 tiles are available, so first come first serve. 
If you have any questions/concerns please contact Cindy Van Scoyoc-
Thanks as always for your support. I can't wait to see the finished product- the tiles the kids created were amazing! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Final PTA/Booster Club Meeting Tuesday May 14 9:00 am

The final PTA/Booster Meeting of this school year is Tuesday, May 14th at 9 a.m. in the Science Lab.  Please sign in in the Front Office before heading over.  

We had such great response last month with Ms. Donahoe as a guest speaker! For this meeting, we have arranged to have Andrea Sala, the Executive Director of PEF, attend. We hope you will join us!  Please bring your questions and concerns .  In addition, we will hear from Mr. Allen, get an update on Memberplanet, the new communication system we are implementing, as well as get a summary of plans for the rest of the  school year.  

Dates for the rest of year:
Teacher Appreciation Week is next week  - May 13-17
International Fair - May 19 at 12 p.m. (more details to come)
No School  - May 24/27
Field Day/Slideshow  - May 31 (more details to come)
Last day of School - June 6 Minimum day

Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Take Me Out To The Ballgame Teacher Luncheon Is Next Week and We Need Your Help!!

I am hoping that I can everyone on the PTA board can please contribute something to the final Teacher Luncheon of the school year.  It will be held on Wed., May 15th and it's a TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME theme. Please use the sign up sheet below and have all of your food delivered to the staff lounge before 11am.  
Thank you for all of your help!

A group meal has been created using, and you've been invited to participate!
This group meal is for: Take Me Out to the Ballgame Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
If you would like to sign up, you can access the group meal by clicking here, or by visiting and locating the schedule by coordinator last name (Robinson) and password (5796).
If you have any questions, please let me know!


Sara Robinson

This e-mail was automatically generated by

Home - School Communication - Please Read

We are pleased to announce that Soleado has partnered with to streamline our school's communication

We will be utilizing MemberPlanet for our School Supply Form, Back to School Registration and most other home school communication this coming year.  PTA and school registration forms will be sent to you in August, 2013 at the email address you provide when you register with MemberPlanet.

 You will be receiving an invitation to choose a password and activate your account with Soleado on MemberPlanet.

What is MemberPlanet?
    MemberPlanet is an exciting new platform that enables us to build a trusted and secure community
    online.  With MemberPlanet, we now have the functionality for online registration, community event
    calendar, funds collection and more all from one provider.  This makes it more convenient for you and
    cost effective for us.

Who is using MemberPlanet?
    MemberPlanet was piloted at Rancho Vista and will be adopted at elementary schools throughout the        district for the 2013-2014 school year. Your information is confidential and never shared with any third parties.  Other organizations include non-profit organizations, PTA's, schools, alumni organizations, businesses and universities across the nation.   

-If you have any questions please email:

For those of you that might require assistance or more information, a Member Planet day is planned for May 23rd at 1:00pm in the MPR

We are looking forward to an exciting new school year!
Sara Robinson        Rachel Rioux       Catherine Lucas                
PTA President        PTA EVP             Registration Co-Chair       

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Time to kiss the pig!!!

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
In order to keep you posted on where we are with fulfilling the prizes for Fun Run.  Tomorrow, May 3rd, I will be kissing "Jack" the pig in an all school assembly at 10:00.  Parents are welcome to join in on the fun if they would like. 
In addition, students who raised $50 and earned the extra recess, will have their extra recess tomorrow afternoon after lunch. Teachers have been notified of which students to release. 
The staff vs. students kickball game for those who raised $125 will be held on Monday, May 20th. A separate letter will be sent home with students who earned this prize containing details and information regarding this event.
Thank you for all of the support you have provided our students this year. The Booster Club will be sending out a report in the near future describing what we have done with the funds raised this year. I can tell you that I just purchased another 30 iPads and cases and we are excited to get them into student hands. It takes a village to raise a child and, as always, I am proud to be associated with this village. 
Kevin Allen