
Friday, March 8, 2013

Mr. Allen is going to kiss a pig with your help!!

Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
As you all know, on Monday, March 11th, the Soleado Booster Club will be hosting our annual Fun Run from 11 – 11:45. As we do every year, parents are invited come out and cheer their children on and then stay on campus for lunch. In order to ensure that the event goes as smoothly as possible, I am asking parents to help us out by following just a few guidelines. 
1.      If you will be attending lunch at the event, please check your child out with the classroom teacher to help us account for all of our students.
2.     The pre-ordered lunches will be served in the Quad area between the Monte, Vista and Chicos buildings. 
3.     Tickets for pre-ordered lunches will be delivered to students by their classroom teacher immediately following the Fun Run. If your child does not receive tickets for some reason, there will be a table outside of Mr. Allen’s office where a parent volunteer will have a master list of those who have paid and you can get your ticket from them.
4.     The deadline for pre-ordering lunches will be today at 2:30. If you are unable to get your order in by that time, we will be selling tickets on Monday morning starting at 10:00 outside of Mr. Allen’s office and you can purchase food tickets from 10:00 – 12:00. The pre-sale is simply to prevent you from having to wait in line to purchase tickets.
5.     If your child has not already turned in their pledge sheet and check, we will continue to take them through next week. Please remember that the Fun Run is the second largest fundraiser of the year and we are preparing to purchase 30 more iPads and add to our App. Account to support the technology in the classroom program. As I told the students, if we reach our goal of $15,000 (the same amount as last year) I will kiss a live pig at an all school assembly! It’s actually kind of gross but hey, it’s for the kids! J
6.     All students are to return to class at 1:00 for the remainder of the day. If you will be taking your child early, please notify the teacher that they are leaving and sign them out in the front office. This will keep us from spending time looking for them between 1:00 and 1:30.
I know this seem like a lot to remember but I think we can all agree that an event that is well planned and runs smoothly is a lot more fun for all! Thanks in advance for your continued support of our Soleado Suns!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Fwd: ISS Video now available

> Dear Soleado Parents/Guardians,
> The video of last Monday's contact with the International Space Station is now on line and ready for viewing. It can be accessed on the following link:
> Enjoy the show when you have an opportunity.
> Have a great weekend.
> Kevin Allen